ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript

Angular 2.0 will be built using the TypeScript language. It will embrace TypeScript's idioms for working with immersive web experiences in larger applications.

You can get those same benefits by working with TypeScript and Angular together. In this session, you'll learn how Angular and TypeScript work together to create single page applications. You'll see how you can leverage the features of ECMAScript 6, and still support today's browsers. You'll see how adopting TypeScript can be as easy as changing the extensions on your .js files. How you use the TypeScript features is completely in your control. 

ویدیوی آموزشی Angular 2.0 با Typescript
نگاهی به راه‌حل‌های موجود پیاده سازی سیستم احراز هویت مرکزی در برنامه‌های دات‌نتی
Securing Modern .NET Core App

Table of Contents:

OAuth 2.0
OpenID Connect
OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect: Interplay and Usage
.NET OpenIddict & .NET IdentityServer, How Similar are they?
- OAuth 2.0 Implementation and supported features
- OIDC Implementation and supported features
.NET OpenIddict & .NET IdentityServer, How Different are they?
- OpendictId
- IdentityServer
- Choosing between them
- Keycloak
- OpenIAM
- Choosing Between OpenIAM and Keycloak
نگاهی به راه‌حل‌های موجود پیاده سازی سیستم احراز هویت مرکزی در برنامه‌های دات‌نتی
سری 5 قسمتی کار با GitHub توسط Visual Studio

Using source control (1 of 5) | Getting started with GitHub

Welcome to the Getting started with GitHub series, where you will learn how to share your code from within Visual Studio by using Git and GitHub. In this episode, Robert shows how to add a solution to source control. 

سری 5 قسمتی کار با GitHub توسط Visual Studio
بررسی server-side WebAssembly در دات نت 8

Experiments with the new WASI workload in .NET 8 Preview 4
.NET 8 adds a new "wasi-experimental" workload, replacing the earlier Wasi.Sdk. This is a step towards giving .NET native, built-in support for server-side WebAssembly scenarios.
This video shows how to get started, then demonstrates how .NET+WASI creates possibilities for new kinds of apps and new ways to use .NET. 

بررسی server-side WebAssembly در دات نت 8
معماری تمیز در asp.net core

ASP.NET Core provides better support for clean, testable, maintainable architectures than any of its predecessors. Learn the underlying principles that apply to project/solution organization, how best to arrange your projects to support clean code, and how to refactor existing solutions toward this architecture. Examples will use ASP.NET Core but the principles covered apply to all languages and platforms.  

معماری تمیز در asp.net core
تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری

Have you ever discussed remote work with someone who has never worked remotely? How did it go? If they were like most people, it probably didn’t go all that well. It can be difficult for people to understand how someone could work from home, be productive, and end up being a normal human being at the end of the day.  

تصورات غلط در مورد دورکاری
بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8

explore what's new in C# 8, as well as what we can expect in the near (and far) future of C#!
We'll talk about:
- News in C# 8
- Pattern Matching (incl. Record Types)
- Nullable Reference Types and How to Avoid Null Reference Exceptions
- How Async & Await is Improving

بررسی ویژگی‌های جدید C# 8