2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.7.2:

2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 منتشر شد.
  • UI Debugging Tools for XAML
  • Single Sign-In
  • CodeLens
  • Code Maps
  • Diagnostics Tools
  • Exception Settings
  • JavaScript Editor
  • Unit Tests
  • Visual Studio Emulator for Android
  • Visual Studio C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development
  • Visual C++

Other changes:

Bug Fixes & Known Issues
Related releases:

Team Foundation Server 2015 CTP 

Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 منتشر شد.
نظرات مطالب
شروع کار با Angular Material ۲
با تشکر از مطلب خوب و مفیدتون.
فقط اگه میشه یه مرجع کامل که نحوه استفاده کامپوننت‌ها داخل برنامه‌های انگولار هست رو معرفی کنید.
مثل کد‌های خودتون تو این مطلب که مخصوص برنامه انگولار هست چون سایت خودش گویا کدهاش تویهبرنامه انگولار جواب نمیده.
بر فرض برای یه باتن تو داکیومنت خود سایت
<md-button ng-disabled="true"> Disabled </md-button>
به این صورت هست که وقتی کپی میکنیم تو برنامه ارور  'md-button' is not a known elemen میده
در حالی که تو کد خودتون برای استفاده از باتن
<button md-raised-button color = "accent" >
به این صورت عمل کردین. بی زحمت اگه میشه یه راهنمایی بکنید.
مفهوم زبان مشترک در DDD


A bank account allows us to send and receive money and has its unique number. Anytime we tell about an account in a bank, an account is always a bank account. In the other hand, an account in an information system is used to authorize a user. We have the term "account" meaning something absolutely different in two different domains. Domain has an impact on what we imagine when someone says a concrete term. So we have to learn and specify domain terms first.


Let's speak about e-shop domain. What is a price? For us, as customers, it is how much we pay. A manager can think about price as an amount that his company pays to the supplier. For an accountant, a price is just a number. And e-shop programmer is now confused.

Language is crucial because customers and experts are telling their stories in their language. But it is also natural language, inaccurate, ambiguous, context-aware. And as we can see, language can be tricky even within one domain. 

مفهوم زبان مشترک در DDD
انجمن رسمی گزارش مشکلات GitHub

GitHub Community is built to support all GitHub users on their educational journey, via Discussions. It is a resource hub, learning portal, and inspiration station, all in one. Regardless of how big or small your challenge is, all resources and information will be accessible in a true open source fashion.

انجمن رسمی گزارش مشکلات GitHub
ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!

Visual Studio, like any Integrated Development Environment, can host extensions for more specialist languages or development tasks. This sort of work is reasonably straightforward most of the time but occasionally you need functionality that isn't available in the APIs. Michal takes two examples, printing code in an editing window, and gaining access to the Visual Studio Notifications, and explains how to hack Visual Studio to get to the functionality.

ویژوال استودیو را هک کنید!
به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API

In ASP.NET Core MVC and Web API are parts of the same unified framework. That is why an MVC controller and a Web API controller both inherit from Controller base class. Usually a Web API controller has maximum of five actions - Get(), Get(id), Post(), Put(), and Delete(). However, if required you can have additional actions in the Web API controller. This article shows how.

Let's say you have a Web API controller named CustomerController with the following skeleton code. 

به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API
گزینه‌های مختلف تولید برنامه‌های دسکتاپ دات نتی

The desktop is here to stay. Sam Basu reviews how you can take advantage of the latest in .NET technologies and still build the apps your customers demand. 

Sam covers Windows Forms, XAML (UWP, WinUI), Progressive Web Apps, Electron, Blazor Mobile Bindings, .NET MAUI and building for Mac OS and Linux.  

گزینه‌های مختلف تولید برنامه‌های دسکتاپ دات نتی
کتاب رایگان SOLID Principles Succinctly از انتشارات Syncfusion

There is always room for improving one’s coding ability, and SOLID design principles offer one way to see marked improvements in final output. With SOLID Principles Succinctly, author Gaurav Kumar Arora will instruct you in how to use SOLID principles to take your programming skills to the next level.  

کتاب رایگان SOLID Principles Succinctly از انتشارات Syncfusion