نظرات مطالب
NHibernate 3.0 و ارائه‌ی جایگزینی جهت ICriteria API
مشکل مرتبط است با زبان VB.NET ، جهت توضیحات بیشتر و ارائه راه حل (که باید کمی کدهای اصلی NHibernate را ویرایش (جایگزینی VBStringComparisonExpression با BinaryExpression) و سپس کامپایل کنید) این دو مقاله را مطالعه کنید:
(+) و (+)
کتابخانه sysend.js
sysend.js is small library that allow to send message between pages that are open in the same browser. They need to be in same domain. The library don't use any dependencies and use HTML5 LocalStorage API. You can send any object that can be serialized to JSON or just send empty notification.  Demo

Tested on GNU/Linux in Chromium 34, FireFox 29, Opera 12.16 (64bit) 
کتابخانه sysend.js
ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015
JavaScript is an important technology for development on many different platforms, including web, mobile app, and server programming. In Visual Studio 2013 we already support IntelliSense, Go to Definition, colorization, and formatting of JavaScript source, along with several other features. We’ve carried these forward into Visual Studio 2015 and we’ve improved the experience for JavaScript developers by focusing on three key areas:
  1. Improving the development experience when using popular JavaScript libraries
  2. Adding support for new JavaScript ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ES2015 and formerly ES6) language and web browser APIs
  3. Increasing your productivity in complex JavaScript code bases
ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015
نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly

The future of WebAssembly - A look at upcoming features and proposals

WebAssembly is a performance optimised virtual machine that was shipped in all four major browsers earlier this year. It is a nascent technology and the current version is very much an MVP (minimum viable product). This blog post takes a look at the WebAssembly roadmap and the features it might be gain in the near future.

I’ll try to keep this blog post relatively high-level, so I’ll skip over some of the more technical proposals, instead focusing on what they might mean for languages that target WebAssembly. 

نگاهی به آینده WebAssembly
نظرات مطالب
صفحه بندی و مرتب سازی خودکار اطلاعات به کمک jqGrid در ASP.NET MVC
مجوز عمومی فایل‌های اسکریپت اصلی آن MIT است و در هر نوع پروژه‌ای قابل استفاده‌است. مجوز تجاری هم دارد برای حالتیکه بخواهید کامپوننت‌های ASP.NET آن‌را بخرید که ... نیازی نیست (^).
 3. Can be used in proprietary works
The license policy allow you to use this piece of code even inside commercial (not open source)
projects. So you can use this software without giving away your own (precious?) source code.
ردیس ۷ در راه است

گویا ۳ برابر سریع‌تر از الستیک‌سرچ است!

In Redis 7.0, Redis Labs is adding two enhancements to its JSON support. The first is with search. RediSearch 2.0, which itself only became generally available barely a month ago; it now adds JSON as a supported data type. Before this, search was run as a separate feature that sat apart from the nodes housing the data engine. RediSearch 2.0 adds new scale-out capabilities to conduct massively parallel searches across up to billions of JSON documents across multiple nodes, returning results in fractions of a second. As the search engine was optimized for the Redis database, Redis Labs claims it runs up to 3x faster than Elasticsearch. 

ردیس ۷ در راه است
اعتبارسنجی کاربران بدون هاردکد کردن نقشها

You already know how role-based authorization works in ASP.NET Core.

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public class AdministrationController : Controller

But what if you don't want hardcode roles on the Authorize attribute or create roles later and specify in which controller and action it has access without touching source code?

DynamicAuthorization helps you authorize users without hardcoding role(s) on the Authorize attribute with minimum effort. DynamicAuthorization is built at the top of ASP.NET Core Identity and use identity mechanism for managing roles and authorizing users. 

اعتبارسنجی کاربران بدون هاردکد کردن نقشها
معرفی Mozilla Firefox Accounts
Firefox Sync enables you to take your browsing data like passwords, bookmarks, history, and open tabs across devices 
معرفی Mozilla Firefox Accounts