بررسی تغییرات انجام شده‌ی در NET Framework 4.7.1.
  • Accessibility improvements in narration, high contrast and focus control areas
  • .NET Framework support for .NET Standard 2.0 and compiler features
  • More secure SHA-2 support in ASP.NET and System.Messaging
  • Configuration builders
  • ASP.NET Execution step feature
  • ASP.NET HttpCookie parsing
  • Enhancements in Visual Tree for WPF applications
  • Performance and reliability improvements 
بررسی تغییرات انجام شده‌ی در NET Framework 4.7.1.
SQL Server® 2014 Service Pack 1 منتشر شد

A few of the customer-requested updates in Microsoft SQL Server 2014 SP1 are:

  • Column store performance is improved when batch mode operators spill over to disk. A new XEvent provides insights into column store inserts.
  • Several issues in buffer pool extension SSD configuration are addressed, including the ability to do instant initialization of the buffer pool extension file.
  • Certain queries compile faster when using new cardinality estimator, and other cardinality estimation query plans are more efficient when using TF-4199. 
  • The scalability benefits of two trace flags (TF-1236, TF-9024) are applied automatically.
  • Backup header information retrieval works better with encrypted backups.
SQL Server® 2014 Service Pack 1 منتشر شد
اف استار، زبان جدیدی از مرکز تحقیقات مایکروسافت

F*: A Higher-Order Effectful Language Designed for Program Verification 

F* (pronounced F star) is a general-purpose functional programming language with effects aimed at program verification. It puts together the automation of an SMT-backed deductive verification tool with the expressive power of a proof assistant based on dependent types.  

اف استار، زبان جدیدی از مرکز تحقیقات مایکروسافت
NXPorts؛ میسر کردن استفاده از کتابخانه‌های دات نتی در C++, C, Rust, Delphi, Python

A MSBuild-integrated library/tool to expose entrypoints in .NET assemblies to the platform invocation system or short PInvoke. It allows you to build .NET libraries that can be called from any development platform that supports PInvoke, including C++, C, Rust, Delphi, Python and so on... 

NXPorts؛ میسر کردن استفاده از کتابخانه‌های دات نتی در C++, C, Rust, Delphi, Python
معرفی و بررسی روش فعالسازی Bazel در Angular 8

Try Bazel’s opt-in preview in Angular CLI

In Google we build all our software with a tool called Bazel. We’ve been using it for the past over 12 years to build projects with any size — from small internal apps, to large applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Cloud Console. 

معرفی و بررسی روش فعالسازی Bazel در Angular 8
Moq در .NET Core

Moq makes testing this piece of code a breeze. Without it, I would have had to write a whole lot of essentially throwaway code just to test this three line controller action. Probably one or two orders of magnitude more code. Clearly, this tool which I relied on heavily prior to .NET Core, remains quite a powerful weapon in my arsenal in .NET Core. 

Moq در .NET Core
ساخت Custom Tool سفارشی در Visual Studio 2015
I have found a few descriptions in the net how to write a Custom Tool (Single File Generator) for Visual Studio but - mainly - the registration process had been an obstacle for me. Finally, I have come to a good point in my learning curve, and I am writing it up here all together for the community. 
ساخت Custom Tool سفارشی در  Visual Studio 2015
کتابخانه Gijgo
jQuery Grid by Gijgo.com is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a very fast and extandable tool, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. This plugin support pagination, javascript and server side data sources, jQuery UI and Bootstrap.  Demo
کتابخانه Gijgo
هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
One of the first things you should do after launching a website is create a Google Search Console account. Why? Because it helps you understand how Google crawls, analyses and indexes your website. It’s a great tool to help you discover problems which might hurt your rankings or user experience.
هرآنچه باید درباره Google Search Console بدانید
PostCSS چیه ؟
 PostCSS is a tool for transforming CSS with JS plugins. These plugins can support variables and mixins, transpile future CSS syntax, inline images, and more.
PostCSS is used by Google, Twitter, Alibaba, and Shopify.
PostCSS itself is very small. It includes only a CSS parser, a CSS node tree API, a source map generator, and a node tree stringifier 
PostCSS چیه ؟