آموزش Unit Testing در Asp.net Core

One of my favorite aspects of ASP.NET Core is that it is truly cross platform. And this extends to the developer experience as well. This videos discusses and demonstrates getting started with testing ASP.NET Core MVC applications using the cross-platform tools with the .NET Core SDK,  

آموزش Unit Testing در Asp.net Core
سری مقدماتی ASP.NET Core

Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 15: starting with tag helpers
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 14: the view start and the layout files
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 13: the view imports file
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 12: data annotation of view models
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 11: inserting a new Book in a form
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 10: the details page and more on view models
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 9: MVC continued with routing
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 8: MVC continued with controller actions and our first view
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 7: starting with MVC
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 6: environments and settings
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 5: static files
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 4: middleware and the component pipeline
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 3: the configuration file
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 2: dependencies and dependency injection
Introduction to ASP.NET Core part 1: anatomy of an empty web project

سری مقدماتی ASP.NET Core
Rider 2019.2.3 منتشر شد

The main goal for this release is to add full support for the just-released .NET Core 3.0 for you to take advantage of. If you use top-notch technologies like the latest bits of .NET Core – install Rider 2019.2.3 and enjoy! 

Rider 2019.2.3 منتشر شد
Bootstrap Icons v1.0.0 منتشر شد

After five alphas over the last nine months, Bootstrap Icons has officially gone stable with our v1.0.0 release! We’re now over 1,100 icons and are on track to add hundreds more in our upcoming minor releases. This has been a labor of love and I’m thrilled to ship this latest update. 

Bootstrap Icons v1.0.0 منتشر شد
Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs

Angular 1.3 might be the best Angular yet, but there's still lots of high impact work to be done on the 1.x branch. We still have Material Design, our new router, and improved internationalization of Angular apps still to come ... 

The Angular 1.x project needs someone to be fully committed to keeping v1 moving forward, and supporting the Angular ecosystem that has grown around it.

That's why I'm delighted that Pete Bacon Darwin has agreed to take over the leadership role for Angular v1.  

But Pete can't do this alone. He needs Brian, Caitlin, and Chirayu to help make v1 even more awesome. Jeff will help out with google3 sync and releases, and familiar faces like Matias Niemela and Pawel Kozlowski (who co-wrote one of the first books on Angular with Pete) will be ongoing contributors. We're also looking forward to meeting new faces. Over time, some of these folks will shift their focus towards Angular 2, but for the immediate future, what's most important is that Angular 1.x is and continues to be well taken care of.  

Angular 1.x: The plan forward - یادداشت های جلسات AngularJs
دوره سطح متوسط ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy

Get started with Tag Helpers, explore authentication with ASP.NET Core, and get the details on authorization. Learn how to create your own Web API, check out Entity Framework Core, look at publishing and deployment, and much more, as you skill up for the advanced ASP.NET Core course.

دوره سطح متوسط ASP.NET Core از Microsoft Virtual Academy
NET Core 3.0. و سازگاری بهتر با Docker

The team said that “most of their effort to improve the .NET Core Docker experience in the last year has been focused on .NET Core 3.0.” “This is the first release in which we’ve made substantive runtime changes to make CoreCLR much more efficient, honor Docker resource limits better by default, and offer more configuration for you to tweak”.  

NET Core 3.0. و سازگاری بهتر با Docker
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
With the start of a new season of Game of Thrones, folks are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to see what’s coming. Unlike the Khaleesi who seems to be going nowhere fast, Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) has made some moves recently. Over the last month, we released Node.js Tools 1.0 for Visual Studio, joined the vibrant open source community on GitHub , and created VM images so anyone can quickly get started with NTVS.
انتشار Node.js Tools در GitHub
نگارش نهایی ASP.NET Core 2.2 منتشر شد

The main theme for this ASP.NET Core release was to improve developer productivity and platform functionality with regard to building Web/HTTP APIs. As usual, we made some performance improvements as well.  

نگارش نهایی ASP.NET Core 2.2 منتشر شد
دوره پیاده سازی معماری تمیز در ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core - Clean Architecture - Full Course
In this video, we'll be talking about ASP.NET Core - Clean Architecture. We'll cover the concept of clean architecture, how it helps with scaling and maintainability, works with the MVC pattern, and uses Fluent Validation.

دوره پیاده سازی معماری تمیز در ASP.NET Core