درک بهتر websockets با aspnetcore

In this article, we will go through RFC 6455 WebSockets specification and configure a generic ASP.NET (Core) 5 application to communicate over WebSockets connection with SignalR. We will dive into the underlying concepts to understand what happens under the covers. 

درک بهتر websockets با aspnetcore
سری مقدماتی NET Core.

Day 1 - Installing and Running .NET Core on a Windows Box
Day 2 - Taking a Look at the Visual Studio Templates for .NET Core
Day 3 - Running a .NET Core app on a Mac
Day 4 - Creating a NuGet Package from .NET Core app
Day 5 - Creating a Test Project from .NET Core
Day 6 - Migrating an existing .NET Core to csproj
Day 7 - Creating an ASP.NET Core Web Application 

سری مقدماتی NET Core.
نظرات مطالب
EF Code First #11
سلام آقای نصیری. آیا این روش که در خود سایت asp.net انجام شده هم اشتباه هستش؟

راهنمای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5 به ASP.NET 5

in this article, I will show how to take a medium-small demo app written using Visual Studio 2013, ASP.NET 4.5, VC 5, and Entity Framework 6 and turn it into a working ASP.NET 5 app employing Visual Studio 2015, MVC 6 and Entity Framework 7. And the new app will happily run on either the .NET 4.6 CLR or the .NET Core CLR. Let's get started.

راهنمای مهاجرت از ASP.NET MVC 5 به ASP.NET 5