2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.7.2:

2.Visual Studio 2017 15.7 منتشر شد
دریافت آخرین به روز رسانی تجمعی SQL Server 2016 SP1
  • This update contains fixes for issues that were fixed after the release of SQL Server 2016 SP1.
  • The latest 2016 SP1 update is CU2 - 4013106
  • You may have been directed here from a previous SP1 Cumulative Update Knowledge Base (KB) article (See SQL Server 2016 SP1 build versions)
  • This Cumulative Update includes all fixes from all previous SP1 Cumulative Updates, therefore it can be installed to resolve issues fixed in any previous SP1 CU 
دریافت آخرین به روز رسانی تجمعی SQL Server 2016 SP1
یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
Tag Helpers are a new feature in MVC that you can use for generating HTML. The syntax looks like HTML (elements and attributes) but is processed by Razor on the server. Tag Helpers are in many ways an alternative syntax to Html Helper methods but they also provide some functionality that was either difficult or impossible to do with helper methods. Each tag helper has a different behavior and different options. This post will give you an overview and links to more details for each tag helper 
یک راهنمای کامل MVC 6 Tag Helpers
Dispose کردن موارد فراموش شده توسط Roslyn
This extension uses the Roslyn compiler plattform to identify IDisposable-instances that are not disposed.
IDisposable instances that are not disposed, usually lead to some hard-to-find errors like memoryleaks. The current version is only able to find this undisposed instances, future version should also provide code-fixes. 
Dispose کردن موارد فراموش شده توسط Roslyn
angular-cli 1.3 منتشر شد

Add a new optimizer mode. Use --build-optimizer with ng build or ng serve to try it out.
We suggest to use it only in production builds. 

angular-cli 1.3 منتشر شد
تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه

In order to cleanse the data as we parse it, we thought using a try/catch would be ok. If we don’t catch the exceptions, we’re good, right?
Turns out it kills our performance when we throw a lot of exceptions, even if we don’t catch them. Each exception has some costs . We needed to find a way to handle this data without involving exceptions.
TryParse turns out to be a method designed to solve our problem. We ran some benchmarks to prove it. 

تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه
پیاده سازی ارتباطات همیشه رمزنگاری شده در SQL Server 2016

Always Encrypted is a new feature in SQL Server 2016, which encrypts the data both at rest *and* in motion (and keeps it encrypted in memory). So this protects the data from rogue administrators, backup thieves, and man-in-the-middle attacks. Unlike TDE, as well, Always Encrypted allows you to encrypt only certain columns, rather than the entire database.

پیاده سازی ارتباطات همیشه رمزنگاری شده در SQL Server 2016

If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I strongly encourage you to add an ARCHITECTURE document next to README and CONTRIBUTING. Before going into the details of why and how, I want to emphasize that this is not another “docs are good, write more docs” advice. I am pretty sloppy about documentation, and, eg, I often use just “simplify” as a commit message. Nonetheless, I feel strongly about the issue, even to the point of pestering you:-)