9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc

Security is one of the most important aspects of any application – and when we talk about security, particularly in ASP.NET applications, it is not limited to development. A secure app involves multiple layers of security in the configuration, framework, web server, database server, and more. In this post, we’ll take a look at the top nine tips for writing secure applications in ASP.NET. 

9 نکته برای نوشتن برنامه های امن asp.net mvc
کتاب رایگان Java Succinctly Part 2

In this second e-book on Java, Christopher Rose takes readers through some of the more advanced features of the language. Java Succinctly Part 2explores powerful and practical features of Java, such as multithreading, building GUI applications, and 2-D graphics and game programming. Then learn techniques for using these mechanisms in coherent projects by building a calculator app and a simple game with the author.

Table of Contents
  1. Packages and Assert
  2. Reading and Writing to Files
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Anonymous Classes
  5. Multithreading
  6. Introduction to GUI Programming
  7. GUI Windows Builder
  8. 2-D Game Programming 
کتاب رایگان Java Succinctly Part 2
اجرای برنامه‌های دات نت بر فراز Java Virtual Machine

This is an initial release of a partial implementation of the .NET platform on top of the Java Virtual Machine, and compatible with Android runtime. The Bluebonnet bytecode compiler translates .NET CIL into Java bytecode in Java classes, and additional run-time support is provided by the Baselib library. 

اجرای برنامه‌های دات نت بر فراز Java Virtual Machine
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
عدم ارسال ایمیل در هاست
با سلام وتشکر از پروژه خوب شما
من از کدهای ایمیل شما استفاده کردم در لوکال هاست به درستی کار میکند و ایمیل ارسال میشود ولی در هاست ایمیل ارسال نمیشود و(البته پیغام ارسال شدن کد رو نیز میدهد) من از جیمیل برای ارسال ایمیل استفاده کردم و گوگل ایمیل زیر رو برام ارسال کرد
Someone recently used your password to try to sign in to your Google Account 
This person was using an application such as an email client or mobile device. 

We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt: 

if you do not recognize this sign-in attempt, someone else might be trying to access your account. You should sign in to your account and reset your password immediately.
به نظرتون چرا در هاست از ارسال ایمیل جلوگیری میکنه؟
آیا باید در هاست تنظیمات دیگری رو نیز اعمال کنیم؟
با تشکر
انتشار Oracle Entity Framework Core 3.1

I’m happy to announce the release of Oracle Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 3.19.0 beta on NuGet Gallery. This beta supports the new changes in Entity Framework Core 3.1. Since it’s a beta, be sure to check off the “Include Prerelease” box when searching for the assembly on NuGet Gallery. 

انتشار Oracle Entity Framework Core 3.1
اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced their support for Blazor, and now Frank A. Krueger has developed the Ooui library which allows C# or F# to be used to write applications that run in the browser.  Ooui can target WASM, enabling Xamarin.Forms app to be deployed in web assembly and the result runs entirely in-browser without the need for an application server. 

اجرای دات نت در مروگر توسط Ooui
پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core

Those of you who worked with ASP.NET web forms will recollect that certain server controls such as DropDownList have a property called AutoPostBack. This property when set to true automatically submits the form to the server whenever the selection changes and raises some server side event. In modern web development people prefer to use Ajax over AutoPostBack but at times AutoPostBack is what you might need. To that end this article shows how AutoPostBack can be implemented in ASP.NET Core applications. 

پیاده سازی AutoPostBack در ASP.NET Core
سری eShopSupport
eShopSupport Series

Starting next week, I will be digging into the eShopSupport codebase and blogging about it. Since it isn’t a RAG application - I don’t think it fits into the RAG Demo Series so I am going to be creating a new blog series focusing on this one codebase.
I have been waiting for the eShopSupport repo to be made public ever since I watched Steve’s NDC talk so I am really looking forward to this! Stay tuned.

Blogs in this series (to be updated as they get published):

DataGenerator Project
DataIngestor Project
Evaluator Project
Aspire Projects (AppHost and ServiceDefaults)
… more coming soon.

سری eShopSupport
روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot

In this post, I will be writing about how I used GitHub Copilot to write this post. You might be thinking that GitHub Copilot is a for writing code and you would right. However, it is a tool for writing content also. 

روش نوشتن یک مقاله به کمک GitHub Copilot
تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8

Preview 3 of .NET 8 includes a new project templates to create an API with a TODO service instead of the weather forecast . Looking into the generated code of this template, there are a lot more changes going on such as a slim builder and using a JSON source generator which helps when using AOT to create native .NET binaries. This article looks into the changes coming. 

تغییرات Web API در دات نت 8