ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
این ده مقاله به شرح زیر می‌باشند:

10) Practical .NET: Powerful JavaScript With Upshot and Knockout
The Microsoft JavaScript Upshot library provides a simplified API for retrieving data from the server and caching it at the client for reuse. Coupled with Knockout, the two JavaScript libraries form the pillars of the Microsoft client-side programming model.

9) On VB: Database Synchronization with the Microsoft Sync Framework
The Microsoft Sync Framework is a highly flexible framework for synchronizing files and data between a client and a master data store. With great flexibility often comes complexity and confusion, however.

8) C# Corner: Performance Tips for Asynchronous Development in C#
Visual Studio Async is a powerful development framework, but it's important to understand how it works to avoid performance hits.

7) 2 Great JavaScript Data-Binding Libraries
JavaScript libraries help you build powerful, data-driven HTML5 apps.

6) On VB: Entity Framework Code-First Migrations
Code First Migrations allow for database changes to be implemented all through code. Through the use of Package Manager Console (PMC), commands can be used to scaffold database changes.

5) C# Corner: The New Read-Only Collections in .NET 4.5
Some practical uses for the long-awaited interfaces, IReadOnlyList and IReadOnlyDictionary, in .NET Framework 4.5.

4) C# Corner: Building a Windows 8 RSS Reader
Eric Vogel walks through a soup-to-nuts demo for building a Metro-style RSS reader.

3) C# Corner: The Build Pattern in .NET
How to separate complex object construction from its representation using the Builder design pattern in C#.

2) Inside Visual Studio 11: A Guided Tour
Visual Studio 2012 (code-named Visual Studio 11 then) is packed with new features to help you be a more efficient, productive developer. Here's your guided tour.

1) HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers
The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.


ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
کتابخانه ای برای ++C جهت ثبت لاگ

Single header only C++ logging library. It is extremely light-weight, robust, fast performing, thread and type safe and consists of many built-in features. It provides ability to write logs in your own customized format. It also provide support for logging your classes, third-party libraries, STL and third-party containers etc. 

کتابخانه ای برای ++C جهت ثبت لاگ
نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE

ASP.NET Core is a completely new web framework for building modern cloud-based web applications. In this presentation learn all about ASP.NET Core and including the latest features and innovations in MVC. You’ll see how you can build applications that run cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux via .NET Core. You’ll also see how ASP.NET Core MVC gives you a unified web programming model for building both web UI and web APIs.

نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE
نظرات مطالب
نصب Mono Develop 4.x در Ubuntu
یک نکته تکمیلی در مورد نصب از روی PPA
اگر یک برنامه جدید را در monodevelop شروع کردید و به خطای کامپایل ذیل برخوردید:
Error: A dependency of a referenced assembly may be missing, or you may be referencing an 
assembly created with a newer CLR version. See the compilation output for more details. (Test1)
به این معنا است که mono تنظیم شده در مسیرهای لینوکس، به آخرین نگارش تنظیم نیست. برای رفع این مشکل دستورات ذیل را صادر و بعد monodevelop را اجرا کنید:
export PATH=/opt/mono-3/bin:$PATH
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/mono-3/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
mono -V
بسته PPA، نگارش 3.2.1 را در مسیر opt/mono-3 نصب می‌کند.
اگر زبان‌های برنامه نویسی خودرو بودند

C♯ is C++ with more safety features so that ordinary civilians can use it. It looks kind of silly but it has most of the same power so long as you stay near gas pumps and auto shops and the comforts of civilization. A well-known heavily muscular intimidator keeps touting it. 

اگر زبان‌های برنامه نویسی خودرو بودند
در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد

I can tell at least that in 3 years, JavaScript will gain more the status of a VM and lose the status of a language. Already today, not many people use raw JavaScript. You usually have some transpilation, at least e.g. Babel. In the future, Web Assembly will enable more innovation in that regards, and existing transpiling languages like Elm, TypeScript, PureScript will continue to improve. 

در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد

If you maintain an open-source project in the range of 10k-200k lines of code, I strongly encourage you to add an ARCHITECTURE document next to README and CONTRIBUTING. Before going into the details of why and how, I want to emphasize that this is not another “docs are good, write more docs” advice. I am pretty sloppy about documentation, and, eg, I often use just “simplify” as a commit message. Nonetheless, I feel strongly about the issue, even to the point of pestering you:-)