به اشتراک گذاری کدهای ui در اپلیکیشن های ios , android

One of the most exciting announcements during this year’s Connect(); event was the ability to embed .NET libraries into existing iOS (Objective-C/Swift) and Android (Java) applications with .NET Embedding. This is great because you can start to share code between your iOS and Android applications, and you can also share the user interface between your apps when you combine .NET Embedding with Xamarin.Forms Native Forms. This means that you can leverage your existing investments and apps without having to re-write them from scratch to start adding cross-platform logic and UI. In fact, during the Connect(); keynote I showed how I was able to extend the open source Swift-based Kickstarter iOS application with .NET Embedding and Xamarin.Forms Native Forms. You can check out the clip below. 

به اشتراک گذاری کدهای ui در اپلیکیشن های  ios , android
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.5.2 منتشر شد
پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016

At last, SQL Server has caught up with other RDBMSs by providing a useful measure of JSON-support. It is a useful start, even though it is nothing like as comprehensive as the existing XML support. For many applications, what is provided will be sufficient. Robert Sheldon describes what is there and what isn't. 

پشتیبانی از JSON در sql server 2016
کتابخانه boba.js
Boba.js is a small, easily extensible JavaScript library that makes working with Google Analytics easier. It supports the old ga.js library as well as the new analytics.js library. It has one out of the box function, trackLinks, and makes tracking everything else child's play.  Demo
کتابخانه boba.js
سری بهبود کارآیی برنامه‌های دات نت

- Optimising Image Processing: Reducing memory consumption and time taken by 80%
- It’s Not Your Code Vol. I: Reducing AWS S3 .NET client LOH allocations by 98%
- Strings Are Evil: Reducing memory allocations from 7.5GB to 32KB

سری بهبود کارآیی برنامه‌های دات نت
7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017

Come learn the top 7 reasons to use Visual Studio 2017 if you are a C++ developer. Whether you are using the product and are looking to upgrade, or you never used it before but you are considering it now, join us to discover how Visual Studio 2017 raises the bar in terms of C++ productivity. From C++ standards conformance to coding productivity, cross-platform development for Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS and CMake support, these are only a few of the topics we discuss in this demo-packed session. 

7 دلیل برای انتقال کدهای ++C به Visual Studio 2017
پیاده سازی In Memory OLTP در SQL Server

How do you go about transferring a disk-based workload to the respective memory-optimized design? How do you process memory-optimized tables? How important for performance are natively-compiled Stored Procedures? Artemakis Artemiou comes up with a step-by-step guide to implementing an in-memory OLTP solution .  

پیاده سازی In Memory OLTP در SQL Server