محاسبه‌ی میزان پیچیدگی کدهای قسمت‌های مختلف برنامه
// <Name>Aggregate Type Complexity</Name>
from t in Application.Types
let aggregateTypeCC = t.MethodsAndContructors.Sum(m => m.CyclomaticComplexity / 10)
let rawCC = t.MethodsAndContructors.Sum(m => m.CyclomaticComplexity)
// optional optimization if not comparing rawCC
// where aggregateCC >= 10
orderby aggregateTypeCC descending 
select new { t, aggregateTypeCC, rawCC }
محاسبه‌ی میزان پیچیدگی کدهای قسمت‌های مختلف برنامه
کتابخانه CSharpFunctionalExtensions
یک مثال از Angular , Angular Material , Docker


Responsive layout (flex layout module)
Lazy loading modules
Interceptors and Events (Progress bar active, if a request is pending)
CRUD: create, update and remove heroes
Service Workers
Custom example library
Search bar, to look for heroes
Angular Pipes
Custom loading page
Modal and toasts (snakbar)!
Unit tests with Jasmine and Karma including code coverage
End-to-end tests with Protractor
ES6 Promises
Github pages deploy ready
Google Tag Manager
Modernizr (browser features detection)
Following the best practices! 
یک مثال از Angular , Angular Material , Docker