بزرگترین مخزن Git دنیا!

As a refresher, the Windows code base is approximately 3.5M files and, when checked in to a Git repo, results in a repo of about 300GB .  

بزرگترین مخزن Git دنیا!
سری Learn Roslyn Now

Learn Roslyn Now - E08 - The AdHocWorkspace
Learn Roslyn Now - E07 - VisualStudioWorkspace
Learn Roslyn Now - E06 - MSBuildWorkspace
Learn Roslyn Now - E05 - Semantic Model and Symbols
Learn Roslyn Now - E04 - The CSharpSyntaxRewriter
Learn Roslyn Now - E03 - The CSharpSyntaxWalker
Learn Roslyn Now - E02 - The Syntax Tree API
Learn Roslyn Now - E01 - Introduction to Roslyn Tooling

سری Learn Roslyn Now
FASTER؛ جایگزین سورس باز مایکروسافت برای Redis

Note that FASTER is not directly comparable to Redis, as FASTER is not just a cache. FASTER can index and access data larger than memory, as well as take consistent checkpoints for recovery, more like a persistent hash key-value store + cache combination. FASTER is multi-threaded and latch-free as well, which gives it very high performance on a single machine.

Some recently completed and ongoing/future work items on our roadmap can be found at https://microsoft.github.io/FASTER/roadmap. For instance, in FASTER C#, we recently added log compaction, support for deletes, inline variable-sized allocations, and a read cache. 

FASTER؛ جایگزین سورس باز مایکروسافت برای Redis
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET Core 3.0 Preview 4.

Here’s the list of what’s new in this preview:

  • Razor Components renamed back to server-side Blazor
  • Client-side Blazor on WebAssembly now in official preview
  • Resolve components based on @using
  • _Imports.razor
  • New component item template
  • Reconnection to the same server
  • Stateful reconnection after prerendering
  • Render stateful interactive components from Razor pages and views
  • Detect when the app is prerendering
  • Configure the SignalR client for server-side Blazor apps
  • Improved SignalR reconnect features
  • Configure SignalR client for server-side Blazor apps
  • Additional options for MVC service registration
  • Endpoint routing updates
  • New template for gRPC
  • Design-time build for gRPC
  • New Worker SDK 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET Core 3.0 Preview 4.