دوره 2 ساعته سی‌شارپ برای مبتدی‌ها

C# for Beginners | Full 2-hour course - YouTube

00:00:00 – Start
00:00:09 – What is C#
00:01:27 – C#: Hello World
00:06:01 – C#: The Basics of Strings
00:14:35 – C#: Searching Strings
00:17:27 – C#: Numbers and Integer Math
00:22:04 – C#: Numbers and Integer Precision
00:27:32 – C#: Numbers and Decimals
00:33:10 – C#: Branches (if)
00:44:29 – C#: “Hello World” Explained
00:50:29 – C#: What are Loops?
00:57:42 – C#: Combining Branches and Loops
01:04:34 – C#: Arrays, List, and Collections
01:15:09 – C#: Sort, Search, and Index Lists
01:22:08 – C#: Lists of Other Types
01:29:51 – C#: Debugging
01:34:30 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Objects and Classes
01:47:20 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Methods and Members
01:56:02 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Methods and Exceptions
02:03:00 – C#: Object Oriented Programming – Catching Exceptions 

دوره 2 ساعته سی‌شارپ برای مبتدی‌ها
راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت

This is a (non-comprehensive) guide for C# and .NET developers that are completely new to the Rust programming language. Some concepts and constructs translate fairly well between C#/.NET and Rust, but which may be expressed differently, whereas others are a radical departure, like memory management. This guide provides a brief comparison and mapping of those constructs and concepts with concise examples. 

راهنمای زبان Rust از مایکروسافت
TypeScript 5.2 منتشر شد

Here’s a quick list of what’s new in TypeScript 5.2!

using Declarations and Explicit Resource Management
Decorator Metadata
Named and Anonymous Tuple Elements
Easier Method Usage for Unions of Arrays
Copying Array Methods
symbols as WeakMap and WeakSet Keys
Type-Only Import Paths with TypeScript Implementation File Extensions
Comma Completions for Object Members
Inline Variable Refactoring
Clickable Inlay Parameter Hints
Optimized Checks for Ongoing Type Compatibility
Breaking Changes and Correctness Fixes

TypeScript 5.2 منتشر شد
تجربیاتی مفید در رابطه با طراحی و مدیریت رویدادهای دوره ای

Manage events entities is pretty easy. You define few informations like a subject, a content, and maybe the most important, dates (a start and a end date of course).
You’re ready to create calendar or timeline features. Baooom! Now you need to be able to create recurrent event ! And everything is going to break.
I’ve work on this kind of feature, and here are my small advices 

تجربیاتی مفید در رابطه با طراحی و مدیریت رویدادهای دوره ای
کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow

Simple 3D Coverflow is a fully 3D multimedia coverflow slider plugin that allows to display multimedia content with an unique original layout from a 3D perspective. It’s perfect for any kind of presentation, for anyone that wants to deliver a great impact to thier visitors. It runs on all major browsers and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, IOS, Android and Windows. When a thumbnail is clicked you can choose to do nothing, display multimedia content using our great revolution lightbox or to open a new webpage.

کتابخانه Simple 3D Coverflow
سری آموزشی PRISM

PRISM یا Composite Application Guidance الگوهایی را برای تولید برنامه‌های WPF ویا Silverlight ماژولار با قابلیت تست پذیری بالا ارائه می‌دهند. شعار این مجموعه built for change و built to last است که به معنای تهیه سیستم‌هایی با قابلیت تغییر بالا و همچنین سهولت نگهداری آن‌ها در دراز مدت می‌باشد.
جناب Mike Taulty را احتمالا با ویدیوهای آموزش WCF به خاطر دارید. ایشان مجموعه جدیدی را به نام Video Series on PRISM for Silverlight 3 تهیه کرده‌اند که از لینک‌های زیر قابل دریافت است:

کتابخانه angular-checkboxes

If you are used to manipulate HTML forms, you probably know that each checkbox is a separate variable (or maybe an ngModel with AngularJS).  Demo

Sometimes, it could be usefull to manipulate all these checkboxes as a unique array.

angular.checkboxes module lets you turn your list of checkboxes into a unique destination array, providing :

  • two-way binding: manipulate the destination array will check/uncheck the checkboxes AND check/uncheck the checkboxes will modify the destination array.
  • no isolated scope for each checkbox: the directive does not create new child scope.
  • a mtCheckboxController: internal controller can be injected to other directives. 
کتابخانه angular-checkboxes