Rider 2020.1 منتشر شد

Finally, the backend runs on .NET Core runtime by default on macOS and Linux, instead of the Mono runtime. Moving to .NET Core runtime delivers noticeable performance improvements, a lower memory footprint, and multithreaded NuGet restore. 

Rider 2020.1 منتشر شد
jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد

The main change in this release is a security fix, and it’s possible you will need to change your own code to adapt. Here’s why: jQuery used a regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter method to ensure that all closing tags were XHTML-compliant when passed to methods. For example, this prefilter ensured that a call like jQuery("<div class='hot' />") is actually converted to jQuery("<div class='hot'></div>"). Recently, an issue was reported that demonstrated the regex could introduce a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability. 

jQuery 3.5.0 منتشر شد
TypeScript 3.9 Beta منتشر شد

For this release our team been has been focusing on performance, polish, and stability. We’ve been working on speeding up the compiler and editing experience, getting rid of friction and papercuts, and reducing bugs and crashes.  

TypeScript 3.9 Beta منتشر شد
Code::Blocks 20.03 منتشر شد

Finally, switch to wxWidgets 3.x, many improvements, new features, more stable, enhanced for HiDPI, the new Code::Blocks release 20.03 has arrived. Get it from the downloads section! A changelog summarises new features and fixes.

We provide binaries for the major platforms supported by Code::Blocks, with more to come in the next time. 

Code::Blocks 20.03 منتشر شد
Angular 9.1 منتشر شد

Version 9.1 of Angular Now Available — TypeScript 3.8, faster builds, and more 

Angular 9.1 منتشر شد
3.1.201 NET Core. منتشر شد


SDK Installer1 SDK Binaries1 Runtime Installer Runtime Binaries ASP.NET Core Runtime Windows Desktop Runtime
Windows x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 | ARM |
Hosting Bundle 2
x86 | x64
macOS x64 x64 x64 x64 x64 1 -
Linux Snap Install x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine - x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine | ARM64 Alpine x64 1 | ARM 1 | ARM64 1 | x64 Alpine | ARM64 Alpine -
RHEL6 - x64 - x64 -
Checksums SDK - Runtime - - -
  1. Includes the .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Runtimes 
3.1.201 NET Core. منتشر شد
NET Core 3.1.200. منتشر شد


SDK Installer1 SDK Binaries1 Runtime Installer Runtime Binaries ASP.NET Core Runtime Windows Desktop Runtime
Windows x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 x86 | x64 | ARM x86 | x64 | ARM |
Hosting Bundle 2
x86 | x64
macOS x64 x64 x64 x64 x64 1 -
Linux Snap Install x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine | ARM64 Alpine - x64 | ARM | ARM64 | x64 Alpine x64 1 | ARM 1 | ARM64 1 | x64 Alpine | ARM64 Alpine -
RHEL6 - x64 - x64 -
Checksums SDK - Runtime - - -
  1. Includes the .NET Core and ASP.NET Core Runtimes 
NET Core 3.1.200. منتشر شد
TypeScript 3.8 RC منتشر شد
class Person {
    #name: string

    constructor(name: string) {
        this.#name = name;

    greet() {
        console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.#name}!`);

let jeremy = new Person("Jeremy Bearimy");

//     ~~~~~
// Property '#name' is not accessible outside class 'Person'
// because it has a private identifier.
TypeScript 3.8 RC منتشر شد