بازخوردهای دوره
آشنایی با نحوه ایجاد یک IoC Container
- نظرتون راجع به این متن از لینک اولتون چیه؟
The biggest discriminator of  Unity  is: it's from and supported by Microsoft (p&p). Unity has very good performance, and great documentation. It is also highly configurable. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of say Castle / Structure Map  
- در نمودار مقایسه ای لینک پایین به نظر میاد از نظر performance از StructureMap بهتر هم داریم:
بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD

Entity Framework half-heartedly supported Domain-Driven Design patterns. But the new-from-scratch EF Core has brought new hope for developers to map your well-designed domain classes to a database, reducing the cases where a separate data model is needed. EF Core 2.1 is very DDD friendly, even supporting things like fully encapsulated collections, backing fields and the return of support for value objects. In this session, we'll review some well-designed aggregates and explore how far EF Core 2.1 goes to act as the mapper between your domain classes and your data store. 

بهبودهای EF Core 2.1 در زمینه پشتیبانی از DDD