Postsharp نسخه 4 منتشر شد

4x runtime performance enhancement on our NotifyPropertyChanged aspect.
Improved reliability and scope of our deadlock detection policy.
Dynamic advices: see IAdviceProvider, IntroduceInterface, ImportLocation, ImportMethod, IntroduceMethod.
Aspect Repository and Late Validation.
OnInstanceConstructed advice.
Faster advice state lookup: see DeclarationIdentifier.

Postsharp نسخه 4 منتشر شد
بررسی Columnstore Indexes

Columnstore indexes were first introduced in SQL Server 2012. They are a new way to store the data from a table that improves the performance of certain query types by at least ten times. They are especially helpful with fact tables in data warehouses. 

بررسی Columnstore Indexes
مقایسه Dapper ، Entity Framework ، ADO.NET

We're going to use Dapper.NET on our project; that much is not in doubt. However, we're not going to start development with it, and it will not be the only ORM in use. The plan is to develop this project using Entity Framework, and later optimize to use Dapper.NET in certain scenarios where the system needs a performance boost. 

مقایسه Dapper ، Entity Framework ، ADO.NET
نظرات مطالب
سیلورلایت 5 و تاریخ شمسی
سلام جناب نصیری
من تو پروژه سیلور از OData استفاده کردم. وقتی می خواستم Max یک ستون رو برگردونم با پیغام زیر مواجه شدم.
.NotSupportedException: The method 'Max' is not supported
ظاهرا بعضی از متدها موقع کوئری نوشتن (LINQ to Entities) با OData و WCF سازگار نیستن و ساپورت نمیشوند.(البته تا جایی که من سرچ کردم و یه چیزایی فهمیدم).
This topic provides information about the way in which LINQ queries are composed and executed when you are using the WCF Data Services client and limitations of using LINQ to query a data service that implements the Open Data Protocol (OData). For more information about composing and executing queries against an OData-based data service, see Querying the Data Service (WCF Data Services).
Composing LINQ Queries
LINQ enables you to compose queries against a collection of objects that implements IEnumerable. Both the Add Service Reference dialog box in Visual Studio and the DataSvcUtil.exe tool are used to generate a representation of an OData service as an entity container class that inherits from DataServiceContext, as well as objects that represent the entities returned in feeds. These tools also generate properties on the entity container class for the collections that are exposed as feeds by the service. Each of these properties of the class that encapsulates the data service return a DataServiceQuery. Because the DataServiceQuery class implements the IQueryable interface defined by LINQ, the WCF Data Services you can compose a LINQ query against feeds exposed by the data service, which are translated by the client library into a query request URI that is sent to the data service on execution.
The set of queries expressible in the LINQ syntax is broader than those enabled in the URI syntax that is used by OData data services. A NotSupportedException is raised when the query cannot be mapped to a URI in the target data service. For more information, see the Unsupported LINQ Methods in this topic.
لطفا اگر امکانش هست راهنمائی بفرمائید و اینکه حالا که ساپورت نمیشه چه راه حلی وجود داره برای Max گرفتن.
با تشکر

کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly

MongoDB is one of the biggest players in the NoSQL database market, providing high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. It’s an open-source document database written in C++ and hosted on GitHub. Zoran Maksimovic’s MongoDB 3 Succinctly touches on the most important aspects of the MongoDB database that application developers should be aware of—from installation and the usage of the Mongo Shell, to examples of the MongoDB C# driver APIs for Microsoft .NET Framework.

Table of Contents

  1. MongoDB Overview
  2. MongoDB Installation
  3. The Mongo Shell
  4. Manipulating Documents
  5. Data Retrieval
  6. Basic MongoDB with C#
  7. Data Handling in C#
  8. Inserting Data in C#
  9. Find (Query) Data in C#
  10. Binary Data (File Handling) in C#
  11. Back Up and Restore 
کتاب رایگان MongoDB 3 Succinctly
لینک‌های هفته اول دی

وبلاگ‌ها و سایت‌های ایرانی


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کتاب‌های رایگان جدید

  • آهن بجای کروم! (یک برنامه نویس آلمانی قسمت‌هایی از مرورگر کروم را که در جهت جمع آوری اطلاعات برای گوگل بکار می‌رفته، حذف کرده و مرورگر دیگری به نام آهن را ارائه داده است!)

ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects

Mercury is currently 99.9% compatible with Visual Basic.NET, and already adds a wide range of language extensions and support for C# 9.0 features that will make the VB developers lives easier. The extras include support for pointers and unsafe code, lazy properties, and C# 9's new records. 

ارائه‌ی یک نگارش مستقل از Visual Basic.NET توسط RemObjects
مجموعه‌ای از بانک‌های اطلاعاتی نمونه
Collection of Sample Databases

In this post, I've compiled a comprehensive collection of sample databases, conveniently categorized by provider, to make it easier for you to find the right dataset for your needs. Whether you're looking for structured data for prototyping, experimenting with new metrics, or evaluating product performance, this collection offers a variety of real-world examples.
مجموعه‌ای از بانک‌های اطلاعاتی نمونه