سربارگذاری true و false در #C

Apparently, there are “true” and “false” operators and you can overload these. But I also wanted to know what are these good for, given I’ve never heard about these. 

سربارگذاری true و false در #C
بررسی ساختار یک JSON Web Token

With this guide, you will know how JWTs work in-depth, including having a good understanding of the cryptographic primitives that they are based upon, which are used in many other security use cases. 

بررسی ساختار یک JSON Web Token
معرفی Application Pool در IIS

Application Pools in IIS can be somewhat of a mystery. Since they’re created for you automatically many times Administrators don’t give them a second thought. But understanding application pools is crucial to having a good running IIS server. 

معرفی Application Pool در IIS
واژگان asp.net mvc

If you are just starting out with ASP.NET MVC, I thought this would be a good resource by presenting this dictionary to assist my readers in understanding everything about ASP.NET MVC. 

واژگان asp.net mvc
سری «سلامت کد» از گوگل

What the Code Health group does is work on efforts that universally improve the lives of engineers and their ability to write products with shorter iteration time, decreased development effort, greater stability, and improved performance.

سری «سلامت کد» از گوگل
معرفی C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code

We are thrilled to announce the preview release of C# Dev Kit, a new Visual Studio Code extension that brings an improved editor-first C# development experience to Linux, macOS, and Windows. 

معرفی C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code
دوره 9 ساعته React Router 6

A pretty epic video from Scrimba’s Bob Ziroll that you’ll need a lot of coffee to get through, but you get to see the development of a complete app based around React Router, and it’s free. 

دوره 9 ساعته React Router 6
نگهداری WPF به تیمی در هند واگذار شد

In the .NET community standup YouTube stream it was just confirmed that WPF maintenance has been outsourced to IDC [Microsoft India Development Center] where projects historically has gone to die. So no one left in Redmond really working on it. 

نگهداری WPF به تیمی در هند واگذار شد