بهبودهای HttpClient در NET 5.

With .NET 5 released in November, it’s a good time to talk about some of the many improvements in the networking stack. This includes improvements around HTTP, Sockets, networking-related security, and other networking primitives. In this post, I will highlight some of the more impactful and interesting changes in the release. 

بهبودهای HttpClient در NET 5.
لیستی از C# Source Generators

C# Source Generators

A list of C# Source Generators (not necessarily awesome), because I haven't found a good list yet.

C# Source Generators is a Roslyn compiler feature introduced in C#9/.NET 5. It lets C# developers inspect user code and generate new C# source files that can be added to a compilation. 

لیستی از C# Source Generators
Uno Platform و انتقال Windows Calculator به Linux

We’ve ported the open-source Windows Calculator to yet another platform: Linux! With all the rumors of a Microsoft browser – Edge – coming to Linux soon, we thought it would be good to show that the open source community can be effective in bringing a piece of Windows to Linux. 

Uno Platform و انتقال Windows Calculator به Linux
روش فعالسازی IE Mode در Chromium Edge

As you may remember, Microsoft has removed the IE Mode feature from Microsoft Edge. THe company has limited it to enterprise customers and IT admins. They have also stated that the feature was released to the public for testing purposes only. Here is a bit of good news - you can re-enable IE Mode when needed with recent versions of Edge! 

روش فعالسازی IE Mode در Chromium Edge
چه نوع collection هایی را بهتر است در پارامترهای متدهای #C استفاده کنیم؟

IEnumerable<T> is a good fit for many scenarios, but do consider that IReadOnlyCollection<T> might be a better fit in circumstances where the collection is always going to be fully available in memory. Avoid passing round mutable collection types as this can cause confusion about who owns the collection. 

چه نوع collection هایی را بهتر است در پارامترهای متدهای #C استفاده کنیم؟
اولین بتای Bootstrap 4 منتشر شد

Two years in the making, we finally have our first beta release of Bootstrap 4. In that time, we’ve broken all the things at least twenty-seven times over with nearly 5,000 commits, 650+ files changed, 67,000 lines added, and 82,000 lines deleted. We also shipped six major alpha releases, a trio of official Themes, and even a job board for good measure.  

اولین بتای Bootstrap 4 منتشر شد
چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!

can’t be the only person who hates waiting for the code to compile and run… Especially when I want to test only a small part of it! That’s a total waste of time! But good news everyone, I found a way to run a part of my C# code without building the whole project! 

Ctrl + E, E – the magical shortcut! 

چگونه قبل از build کل پروژه، تنها بخشی از کد C# را اجرا کنیم!
بخش های خوب ASP.NET MVC Core

MVC 6 should be out any day, so we need to be prepared.

The good thing is, it’s all very similar to MVC 5; the even better thing is, it got better! A couple of ways it is so cool, in my mind, are:

بخش های خوب ASP.NET MVC Core
اضافه کردن HTTPS به وب سایت

For a good and secure web – and also for faster performance, new APIs on the web such as Service Workers, better search ranking and more – using HTTPS for your web site is key. I’ll walk you through how to easily get started with that here. 

اضافه کردن HTTPS  به وب سایت