ایجاد ، حدف ، ویرایش اطلاعات با استفاده از Asp.net mvc

In this article we are going to discuss how to insert, update and delete data into database using ASP.NET MVC 4.0. There is a Layout page and Data base script that we are going to use for this but we are not going to discuss much  how to create a Layout page and database script here in detail. 

ایجاد ، حدف ، ویرایش اطلاعات با استفاده از Asp.net mvc
حمله‌ی اوراکل به Postgres در روسیه

During the past few weeks, Oracle sent a letter to Russian partners and customers comparing Oracle favorably to Postgres as a way of cirumventing a new law favoring Russian-produced software. This is the first direct attack I have seen on Postgres, and is probably representative of the kinds of attacks we will see from other vendors and in other countries in the years to come.  

حمله‌ی اوراکل به Postgres در روسیه
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از Awesomium.NET در برنامه‌های وب
Hi Vahid
You have done an excellent job. But I have one query after generating one image the second one doesnot generate i mean do i need to refresh the page or do something special. The files in the  folder gets hold by the worker process and hence the subsequent request are not processed can you help us in this
ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design: The Good Parts

The greenfield project started out so promising. Instead of devolving into big ball of mud, the team decided to apply domain-driven design principles. Ubiquitous language, proper boundaries, encapsulation, it all made sense.
But along the way, something went completely and utterly wrong. It started with arguments on the proper way of implementing aggregates and entities. Arguments began over project and folder structure. Someone read a blog post that repositories are evil, and ORMs the devil incarnate. Another read that relational databases are last century, we need to store everything as a stream of events. Then came the actor model and frameworks that sounded like someone clearing their throat. Instead of a nice, clean architecture, the team chased the next new approach without ever actually shipping anything.
Beyond the endless technical arguments it causes, domain-driven design can actually produce great software. We have to look past the hype into the true value of DDD, what it can bring to our organizations and how it can enable us to build quality systems. With the advent of microservices, DDD is more important than ever - but only if we can get to the good parts. 

ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design
Joe Albahari؛ آنچه که از 20 سال برنامه نویسی #C آموختم

What I've learned from 20 years of programming in C# with Joe Albahari with Q&A session - YouTube
In April 2001, I wrote and published my first C# program. Join me in discovering the most valuable principles that I've learned in the 20 years of C# programming that followed. We'll cover a range of topics, with plenty of samples and useful code that you can take away.

00:00 - Introduction
01:04 - Types
18:55 - Functional Programming
19:43 - What Defines Functional Programming?
33:26 - Lazy Values
36:20 - Cache a function - Memoizer
41:49 - Using a Closure instead of a Class
43:24 - Memoizer example
45:07 - Asynchronous Programming
47:58 - How do we abstract around Futures?
53:54 - Asynchronous locking
58:04 - Implementing A-synch lock with Semaphore
01:09:48 - Await inside a UI method vs a library method
01:18:04 - Using Exceptions
01:36:18 - Implementing a Retry
01:39:02 - IEither interface
01:39:58 - Downloading samples on LINQPad
01:40:27 - Q&A Session 

Joe Albahari؛ آنچه که از 20 سال برنامه نویسی #C آموختم
به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API

In ASP.NET Core MVC and Web API are parts of the same unified framework. That is why an MVC controller and a Web API controller both inherit from Controller base class. Usually a Web API controller has maximum of five actions - Get(), Get(id), Post(), Put(), and Delete(). However, if required you can have additional actions in the Web API controller. This article shows how.

Let's say you have a Web API controller named CustomerController with the following skeleton code. 

به کار بردن متدهای GET و POST چندگانه در ASP.NET Core Web API
چرا باید به VNext Build سویچ کرد
Now that VNext builds are in Preview, you should be moving your build definitions over from the “old” XAML definitions to the new VNext definitions. Besides the fact that I suspect at some point that XAML builds will be deprecated, the VNext builds are just much better, in almost every respect.
چرا باید به VNext Build سویچ کرد
انتشار Samsung Releases 4th Preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen including support for .NET Core 2.0 Preview

Samsung has released the fourth preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen. Tizen is a Linux-based open source OS running on over 50 million Samsung devices including TVs, wearables, and mobile phones. Since announcing its collaboration with Microsoft on .NET Core and Xamarin.Forms projects last November, Samsung has steadily released preview versions of.NET support for Tizen with enriched features, such as supporting TV application development and various Visual Studio tools for Tizen.

انتشار Samsung Releases 4th Preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen including support for .NET Core 2.0 Preview