نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر

This command allows cleaning up project and assembly references that have no actual usages in source code. You can apply this command on a project, solution folder, or the entire solution. Before deletion is complete, you will be able to see all references that are going to be removed and. if necessary, preserve the ones that you want to keep.

نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر
نظرات مطالب
NuGet 2.0 منتشر شد
درهر حالتی اگه شما بخواین نسخه ای از نوگت رو به روز رسانی بکنین یکسری خطاهایی ممکنه به وجود بیاد. البته ظاهرا این مشکل نوگت نیست (^ و ^) بلکه به یه ایرادهای خاص در Visual Studio Extension manager بر میگرده (^ و ^) : Hotfix و یا این مورد:

Attempting to install or uninstall results in the error "Cannot create a file when that file already exists.”
For some reason, Visual Studio extensions can get in a weird state where you've uninstalled the VSIX extension, but some files were left behind. To work around this issue:

1. Exit Visual Studio
2. Open the following folder (it might be on a different drive on your machine)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft Corporation\NuGet Package Manager\<version>\
3. Delete all the files with the .deleteme extensions.
4. Re-open Visual Studio
After following these steps, you should be able to continue.

مصاحبه کامل با خالق ++C

Full Interview With the Creator of C++

By popular demand, and a request from the man himself, we’ve decided to release the full interview with esteemed computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup (aka the creator of C++). We cover a bunch of topics so check the chapters to find what interests you the most! Filmed last year. Enjoy and happy trails!

00:00-02:42 Getting into programming
02:42-03:26 Programming being versatile
03:26-06:07 Industry changes
06:07-10:20 Inventing and maintaining C++
10:20-12:02 Key to making a successful language
12:02-16:04 Greatest lessons
16:14-20:06 Moving to the US
20:06-23:20 Advice to devs 

مصاحبه کامل با خالق ++C
مشخصات یک ایمیل خوب

Email communication is not my favorite but since I can’t avoid it, I am trying to compose messages in a way that I think it makes it easier for both me and the recipient:
- to quickly address what is being communicated
- avoid misunderstandings
- save time

مشخصات یک ایمیل خوب
ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design

Domain Driven Design: The Good Parts

The greenfield project started out so promising. Instead of devolving into big ball of mud, the team decided to apply domain-driven design principles. Ubiquitous language, proper boundaries, encapsulation, it all made sense.
But along the way, something went completely and utterly wrong. It started with arguments on the proper way of implementing aggregates and entities. Arguments began over project and folder structure. Someone read a blog post that repositories are evil, and ORMs the devil incarnate. Another read that relational databases are last century, we need to store everything as a stream of events. Then came the actor model and frameworks that sounded like someone clearing their throat. Instead of a nice, clean architecture, the team chased the next new approach without ever actually shipping anything.
Beyond the endless technical arguments it causes, domain-driven design can actually produce great software. We have to look past the hype into the true value of DDD, what it can bring to our organizations and how it can enable us to build quality systems. With the advent of microservices, DDD is more important than ever - but only if we can get to the good parts. 

ایده گرفتن از قسمت‌های خوب Domain Driven Design
نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت اول

The first version of ASP.NET was released 17 years ago and during these years, it is fascinating to see how the ASP.NET team constructively reacted through these years to the major shifts happening on the web. Initially a platform that was closed and tried to hide and abstract the web; ASP.NET has metamorphized into an open source and cross platform - one that fully embraces the nature of the web. This is the first part of a series of 3 articles that will cover the history of ASP.NET from its launch to the latest ASP.NET Core releases.  

نگاهی به تاریخچه‌ی ASP.NET - قسمت اول
دسترسی به داده با NHibernate

One thing that keeps amazing me is how many smart developers still feel the urge to write their own data access layer (DAL). They either do it all manually, or they generate parts of it, or they generate the whole thing. Whichever way you go, there are still various alternative paths you can choose from.  

دسترسی به داده با NHibernate
بهبود PowerShell IntelliSense

PowerShell completions enable you to recall, edit, and execute full commands based on matching predictions from your command history, even after starting a new PowerShell session it remembers!  

بهبود PowerShell IntelliSense