بهبودهای نصاب NET Core. در ویندوز و ویژوال استودیو

Starting with .NET Core 3.0 Preview 7, the .NET Core SDK installer will remove previous patch versions after a successful installation. This means that if you have 3.0 Preview 5 and Preview 7 on a machine then install Preview 7, only Preview 7 will remain once the process is complete. 

بهبودهای نصاب NET Core. در ویندوز و ویژوال استودیو
سرویس جدیدی جهت تولید لینک (Link Generator)

We’re introducing a new singleton service that will support generating a URL. This new service can be used from middleware, and does not require an HttpContext. For right now the set of things you can link to is limited to MVC actions, but this will expand in 3.0. 

سرویس جدیدی جهت تولید لینک (Link Generator)
NET 9 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد
.NET 9 Release Candidate 2 is now available!

As we prepare the general availability (GA) release of .NET 9 in November we are adding our final touches around performance, stability, and any additional optimizations to make it the best release of .NET 9. Today, we are excited to announce the release of .NET 9 Release Candidate 2. As with Release Candidate 1, this release is covered by a go-live license so you can receive support when using it in your production applications. We encourage developers today to try out this latest release and give the teams feedback on anything that you find in your development so we can incorporate any additional enhancements into the final release.
NET 9 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
انجام کارهای زمانبندی شده در برنامه‌های ASP.NET توسط DNT Scheduler
وظیفه ای دارم با این تنظیمات 
services.AddDNTScheduler(options =>
                // DNTScheduler needs a ping service to keep it alive. Set it to false if you don't need it.
                options.AddPingTask = true;
                    runAt: utcNow =>
                        var schedulerTask = _config.GetSection("SchedulerTask");
                        var now = utcNow.AddHours(4.5);
                         return  now.Hour == 10 && now.Minute == 0 && now.Second == 0;
                    order: 1);
که هر ثانیه پیغامی با سطح fatal میده. در صورتی که وظیفه با موفقیت انجام میشه.
پیغام :Failed running DNTScheduler.Core.PingTask  
با تغییر PingTask = false مشکل برطرف نمیشه. 
شرح کامل پیغام: error.txt 
افزونه سی شارپ vscode به زودی از Razor پشتیبانی می کند.

As discussed previously, this adds Razor support behind a new omnisharp.preview options flag. It works by downloading a platform-specific Razor Language Server executable (equivalent to the OmniSharp-Roslyn language server) and then running some VSCode-side logic that knows how to launch and interact with it. 

افزونه سی شارپ vscode به زودی از Razor پشتیبانی می کند.
خودکارسازی فرآیند اعمال GlobalQueryFilter در EF Core

Entity Framework Core 2.0 introduces global query filters that can be applied to entities when a model is created. It makes it easier to build multi-tenant applications and support soft deleting of entities. This blog post gives a deeper overview of how to use global query filters in real-life applications and how to apply global query filters to domain entities automatically. 

خودکارسازی فرآیند اعمال GlobalQueryFilter در EF Core
همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton

Singleton design pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class throughout the application which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case the same instance can be used from everywhere, being impossible to invoke directly the constructor each time. 

همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton
حسابداری برای توسعه دهنده‌ها

Accounting For Software Engineers

The difference between accountants and software engineers, when it comes to accounting systems, is about what we primarily care about. Accountants care about meaning: is the quick ratio in good shape? Is income growing at an expected rate? How do we deal with an upcoming expense? Software engineers care about: will we properly move money around so that the balances are correct given certain latency, concurrency, etc.? Do we have the information required to generate the Income Statement? How do we represent a credit memo?

حسابداری برای توسعه دهنده‌ها
پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net

Nowadays, I am trying to learn different design patterns in object oriented paradigm that are pretty useful to implement generic solutions for different scenarios. Few weeks ago for a job hunt, I got an assignment to do which was a web application that would interact with database, so I took it up as a challenge and decided to make it loosely coupled using design patterns which were applicable in that scenario.

پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net