مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular

A comparison of Blazor and Angular when it comes to modern web development—a review of the pros and cons. Does Blazor stack up? 

مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular
کتابخانه background-check

Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it  Demo

bower install background-check
کتابخانه background-check
چکیده‌ای از Build 2019 مخصوص توسعه دهنده‌های ASP.NET Core
  • .NET Core is the future of .NET: If you’ve already started working with .NET Core, that’s great! If you’re starting a new project, you should consider .NET Core.
  • .NET Framework will continue to be supported: If you have any existing applications on .NET Framework (Windows-only), you can keep those on .NET Framework.
  • .NET Releases will become more predictable: Starting with .NET 5.0, there will be 1 major release every year,  after which each even-numbered release (6.0, 8.0, etc) will come with LTS (Long-Term Support). 
چکیده‌ای از Build 2019 مخصوص توسعه دهنده‌های ASP.NET Core
رهانش نسخه نهایی ویژوال‌استدیو ۲۰۲۲، نگارش ۱۷.۱۱
  • Find the Code You’re Looking For: Enhanced search capabilities to help you quickly locate the code you need, even in the largest projects.
  • More Meaningful Code Reviews: Improvements to code review workflows, making it easier to spot potential issues and collaborate with your team.
  • Updates to pull request creation: Continual improvements to the pull request creation experience.
  • Familiar keyboard shortcuts: Some common keyboard shortcuts now match those in other popular IDEs.
  • AI-Generated Breakpoint Expressions: Automatically suggest breakpoints based on your code, helping you debug more efficiently.
  • Understand Your Symbols: Improved symbol recognition to ensure you get the most accurate suggestions.
  • Refined Suggestions: More precise and context-aware code completions, reducing the need for manual edits.
  • GitHub Copilot is even more secure: GitHub Copilot Business customers to prevent specified files or repositories from being used to inform code completion suggestions made by GitHub Copilot.

رهانش نسخه نهایی ویژوال‌استدیو ۲۰۲۲، نگارش ۱۷.۱۱
سایت Daily Tech Video

ویدیوهایی در مورد موضوعات مختلف برنامه نویسی و IT

سایت Daily Tech Video
نظرات مطالب
تولید هدرهای Content Security Policy توسط ASP.NET Core برای برنامه‌های Angular
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی: دات نت 6 و hot reload آن

اگر برنامه‌های مبتنی بر دات نت 6 را به همراه فعال بودن Content Security Policy اجرا کنید، با خطای زیر در مرورگر مواجه خواهید شد:
Refused to connect to ws: because it violates the Content Security Policy directive
      "original-policy":"default-src 'self' blob:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data: blob:; connect-src 'self'; media-src 'self'; object-src 'self' blob:; report-uri /api/CspReport/Log",
برای رفع آن فقط کافی است تنظیم زیر را اضافه/ویرایش کنید:
connect-src 'self' wss://localhost:*
دوره مقدماتی Microservices در دات نت

In this beginner level course, you will learn the foundational elements of a microservices architecture by incrementally building a real microservices based application with the .NET platform, step by step. 

دوره مقدماتی Microservices در دات نت