چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟

Why is .NET so Insanely Fast? with Stephen Toub | Keep Coding Podcast #7
Keep Coding Podcast
In this video I will have a chat with Stephen Toub, Partner Software Engineer at Microsoft. Stephen has been a core part of the performance advancements in .NET and in this episode I will try and get his perspective on why is .NET so fast. 

چگونه دات نت تا این اندازه سریع است؟
دوره ساخت Microservices با NET Core.

Complete guide for creating, managing and orchestrating microservices using .NET Core platform, C# language, Docker technology and many more. Almost 20 hours of videos along with the whole source code and lots of practical samples that can be found on GitHub. 

دوره ساخت Microservices با NET Core.
بررسی عمیق بهبودهای کارآیی در NET 9.

Performance Improvements in .NET 9

Each year, summer arrives to find me daunted and excited to write about the performance improvements in the upcoming release of .NET. “Daunted,” because these posts, covering .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6, .NET 5, .NET Core 3.0, .NET Core 2.1, and .NET Core 2.0, have garnered a bit of a reputation I want to ensure the next iteration lives up to. And “excited,” because there’s such an abundance of material to cover due to just how much goodness has been packed into the next .NET release, I struggle to get it all written down as quickly as my thoughts whirl.

بررسی عمیق بهبودهای کارآیی در NET 9.
سری آموزشی Blazor Hybrid

Blazor Hybrid for Beginners
Join James Montemagno as he takes you on a journey of building your first Hybrid applications across iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Web with ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Blazor Hybrid, and .NET MAUI!  You will learn how to use Blazor Hybrid to blend desktop and mobile native client frameworks with .NET and Blazor.
In a Blazor Hybrid app, Razor components run natively on the device. Components render to an embedded Web View control through a local interop channel. Components don't run in the browser, and WebAssembly isn't involved. Razor components load and execute code quickly, and components have full access to the native capabilities of the device through the .NET platform. Component styles rendered in a Web View are platform dependent and may require you to account for rendering differences across platforms using custom stylesheets.
Blazor Hybrid support is built into the .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) framework. .NET MAUI includes the BlazorWebView control that permits rendering Razor components into an embedded Web View. By using .NET MAUI and Blazor together, you can reuse one set of web UI components across mobile, desktop, and web.

سری آموزشی Blazor Hybrid
آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با Blazor .Net 8

In this video we will build a complete full stack Blog Web App using the new Blazor Web App with SSR with .Net 8 | Step by Step | From Scratch to End You will learn: New Static Server Side Rendering with Blazor, QuickGrid, Enhanced Navigation, Enhanced Forms, Stream Rendering, Image Preview & Upload, Identity Authentication, Interactive Server Render Mode for Admin Panel, and much more  

آموزش ساخت یک بلاگ با  Blazor .Net 8
Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core

 In this article, we will learn how to use JQuery Datatable in ASP.NET Core with Server Side Processing. We will also be building a simple real-world implementation to help understand JQuery Datatable to it’s fullest. You can find the source code of the entire implementation here. Let’s begin 

Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core
هر برنامه نویس یک خود آموخته است

 There are many ways to become a programmer beside getting a computer science degree. If you’re on that less conventional path, you may be wondering what you should do to catch up to people who do have a degree. How can you compete with someone who spent many years in a classwork learning about computers and programming? 

هر برنامه نویس یک خود آموخته است
نحوه ساخت اپلیکیشنهای Real-time تحت وب با ASP.NET Core SignalR

 show how easy it is to add real-time functionality to your web applications using ASP.NET Core SignalR. They discuss topics such as targeting with clients, SignalR transports, and options for running your SignalR application in the cloud.

Now, you can even leverage the Hub protocol spec is the available on GitHub if you're interested in creating your own SignalR client.

  • [02:10]  - Quick introduction to SignalR
  • [06:06] - Targeting clients
  • [10:51] - Leveraging the Hub protocol
  • [12:18]  - SignalR Transports
  • [13:55] - Hosting SignalR in a background service
  • [16:22] - Azure SignalR Service
  • [18:22] - The SignalR Java client on Android
  • [22:34] - Streaming with SignalR 
نحوه ساخت اپلیکیشنهای Real-time تحت وب با ASP.NET Core SignalR
نظرات مطالب
راحت بگویید نه!

در مورد «ما بیکار ننشسته ایم» واقعیت این است که کارهای برنامه نویسی یک سیستم بعد از یک مدت به پایان می‌رسند و مابقی آن نگهداری است. این فاز نگهداری آنچنان هیجان انگیز نیست. هر روز کار نداره. شاید هفته‌ای یکی دو تغییر اگر ارجاع شوند. اینطوری مدیر شرکت فکر می‌کنه داره زیادی حقوق می‌ده. چون شما که به ظاهر کاری نمی‌کنی. یا به همین دلیل (من دارم بهت حقوق می‌دم ...) اینقدر تغییرات بی‌ربط رو به سیستم تحمیل می‌کنه که دست آخر شیرازه سیستم از هم می‌پاشه. نمونه دیگرش بحث شبکه هست. کار شبکه که تموم شد، مگر مابقی آن چقدر کار دارد؟ حداکثر این است که یک نفر را بگذارند یوزر تعریف کند، دسترسی بدهد. همین. اینجا است که کار کارمندی با رویه کار IT آنچنان جور درنمیاد. ولی همین نگهداری سیستم هم کار هر کسی نیست. این رو هم خیلی‌ها نمی‌تونند درک کنند.

در کل به نظر من برنامه نویس‌ها نباید خودشون رو درگیر کار کارمندی کنند تا بخواهند با این نوع مسایل سر و کله بزنند و اثبات کنند که وجودشان واقعا ضروری است و اگر در مورد آن‌ها هزینه‌ای انجام می‌شود، دور ریخته نشده.

You’re a Developer, So Why Do You Work For Someone Else  

NET 6 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد

We are excited to release .NET 6 Release Candidate 2. It is the second of two “go live” release candidate releases that are supported in production. For the last couple months, the team has been focused exclusively on quality improvements. There are a lot of new features in the release, which only fully come together near the end. The team is currently validating end-to-end workflows to find the places where design intentions and technical reality don’t yet fully match. That’s led to teams tightening leaky pipes and paving paths all the way to their destination. 

NET 6 Release Candidate 2. منتشر شد