تحقیق Stack Overflow برای دوست داشتنی ترین زبان و سیستم عامل
latest research conducted by Stack Overflow, the Q&A resource site for developers, programmers have revealed their most-loved languages and platforms of 2015. Their findings are based on the responses of 26,086 people from 157 countries and consist of full-stack developers, mobile developers, and front-end developers.
تحقیق Stack Overflow برای دوست داشتنی ترین زبان و سیستم عامل
مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#

XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization package for the F# programming language powered by JavaScript charting libraries Google Charts and Plotly. The XPlot library can be used interactively from F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in F# applications and in HTML reports. 

مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
EF6.1.3 just contain fixes to high priority issues that have been reported on the 6.1.2 release. The fixes include
Query: Regression in EF 6.1.2: OUTER APPLY introduced and more compex queries for 1:1 relationships and "let" clause
TPT problem with hiding base class property in inherited class
DbMigration.Sql fails when the word 'go' is contained in the text
Create compatibility flag for UnionAll and Intersect flattening support
Query with multiple Includes does not work in 6.1.2 (working in 6.1.1)
"You have an error in your SQL syntax" after upgrading from EF 6.1.1 to 6.1.2
انتشار EF6.1.3 RTM
Marten 3.0 منتشر شد

Marten 3.0 is live on Nuget. It didn’t turn out to be a huge release, but we needed to accommodate the Npgsql 4.* dependency and I felt like that was a breaking change, so here we go.  

Marten 3.0 منتشر شد
کدهای Pascal را توسط NET. اجرا کنید

PascalABC.NET is:

  • The new generation Pascal programming language that combines simplicity of classic Pascal, a great number of modern extensions and broad capabilities of Microsoft .NET Framework.
  • Free, simple and powerful IDE.
  • Built-in form designer for rapid development of Windows desktop applications.
  • Free LGPLv3 license. 
کدهای Pascal را توسط NET. اجرا کنید