نکات مهم نظرسنجی JavaScript در سال 2018

Here's a couple of final thoughts.

  • 3 major front end frameworks (Angular, React, and Vue)
  • React is the highest growing and highest paying front end framework
  • Express is still the dominant Node framework by far
  • TypeScript is becoming more and more popular (and it's going to take over...just my thought)
  • Tooling is making JavaScript a more evolved and appealing language
  • Options to reach almost any platform (desktop, mobile, server, web, hybrid, etc.)
  • Graphql is on the rise, especially with the rise of Gatsby.js 
نکات مهم نظرسنجی JavaScript در سال 2018
ویژگی های C# 9.0

C# 9.0 is taking shape, and I’d like to share our thinking on some of the major features we’re adding to this next version of the language. 

ویژگی های C# 9.0
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از Froala WYSIWYG Editor در ASP.NET
امکان افزونه نویسی هم دارد. اگر همان کدهای افزونه‌ای را که برای redactor نوشتیم، با این ادیتور تطابق دهیم، به دکمه‌ی سفارشی زیر خواهیم رسید:
buttons: [
                 // .... ,
                 "insertHTML" //custom button

     customButtons: {
                    insertHTML: {
                        title: 'Insert Code',
                        icon: {
                            type: 'font',
                            value: 'fa fa-dollar' // Font Awesome icon class fa fa-*
                        callback: function (editor) {

                            var codeModal = $("<div>").addClass("froala-modal").appendTo("body");
                            var wrapper = $("<div>").addClass("f-modal-wrapper").appendTo(codeModal);
                            $("<h4>").append('<span data-text="true">Insert Code</span>')
                                .append($('<i class="fa fa-times" title="Cancel">')
                                .click(function () {

                            var dialog = "<textarea id='code_area' style='height: 211px; width: 538px;' /><br/><label>Language:</label><select id='code_lang'><option>CSharp</option><option>VB</option><option>JScript</option><option>Sql</option><option>XML</option><option>CSS</option><option>Java</option><option>Delphi</option></select> <input type='button' name='insert' id='insert_btn' value='Insert' /><br/>";


                            if (!editor.selectionInEditor()) {

                            $('#insert_btn').click(function () {
                                var lang = $("#code_lang").val();
                                var code = $("#code_area").val();
                                code = code.replace(/\s+$/, ""); // rtrim
                                code = $('<span/>').text(code).html(); // encode    

                                var htmlCode = "<pre language='" + lang + "' name='code'>" + code + "</pre></div>";
                                var codeBlock = "<div align='left' dir='ltr'>" + htmlCode + "</div><br/>";


نظرات مطالب
فعال سازی قسمت ارسال فایل و تصویر ویرایشگر آنلاین RedActor در ASP.NET MVC
باید افزونه بنویسید. فایل paste_code.html آن در مسیر plugins:
<textarea id="redactor_insert_code_area" name="redactor_insert_code_area" style="height: 211px; width: 538px;" />
<select id="redactor_insert_code_lang">
<br />
<input type="button" name="insert" id="redactor_insert_btn" value="%RLANG.insert%" />
و قسمت فعال سازی آن در فایل redactor.js ذیل setColorNone 
        showCodesPage: function () {
            this.modalInit('Insert Code', this.opts.path + '/plugins/paste_code.html', 600, $.proxy(function () {
                var sel = this.getSelection();
                var currentCode = '';

                this.opts.codeElement = false;
                if ($.browser.msie) {
                    var parent = this.getParentNode();
                    if (parent.nodeName === 'PRE') {
                        this.opts.codeElement = parent;
                        currentCode = $(parent).text();
                    } else {
                        if (this.oldIE()) {
                            currentCode = sel.text;
                        } else {
                            currentCode = sel.toString();
                } else {
                    if (sel && sel.anchorNode && sel.anchorNode.parentNode.tagName === 'PRE') {
                        this.opts.codeElement = sel.anchorNode.parentNode;
                        currentCode = $(sel.anchorNode.parentNode).text();
                    } else {
                        currentCode = sel.toString();

                if (this.opts.codeElement) {

                if (currentCode) $('#redactor_insert_code_area').val(currentCode);

                $('#redactor_insert_btn').click($.proxy(this.insertCodesPage, this));

            }, this));
        insertCodesPage: function () {
            var lang = $("#redactor_insert_code_lang").val();
            var code = $("#redactor_insert_code_area").val();
            code = code.replace(/\s+$/, ""); //rtrim;
            code = $('<span/>').text(code).html(); // encode    


            var preBlock;
            if (this.opts.codeElement) {
                preBlock = $(this.getParentNode());
            } else {
                preBlock = $("<pre/>");

            var htmlCode = "<pre language='" + lang + "' name='code'>" + code + "</pre></div>";
            var codeBlock = "<div align='left' dir='ltr'>" + htmlCode + "</div><br/>";
            this.execCommand('inserthtml', codeBlock);

و بعد ثبت آن در فایل‌های public.js و default.js  ذیل دکمه justify 
    title: 'Code',
    func: 'showCodesPage'
به css آن هم باید یک سطر ذیل را اضافه کنید:
body .redactor_toolbar li a.redactor_btn_code span          { background: url(../img/code_red.png) no-repeat center; }

روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟

Looking at these side-by-side randomly generated visualizations, neither of them seem substantively different from a distribution perspective. All to say, when generating a random color palette, there probably wasn't any need for me to use the Crypto module—I probably should have just stuck with Math. It's much faster and feels to be just as random. I'll leave the Crypto stuff to any client-side cryptography work (which I've never had to do).

روش‌های مختلف تولید اعداد تصادفی در جاوا‌اسکریپت چقدر با هم متفاوتند؟
پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper

ASP.NET Core 1.0 is the ground-up rewrite of ASP.NET, MVC and Web API, bringing a new paradigm in building web applications and APIs in .NET. With this rewrite brought new techniques in building SOLID applications, and updated some existing patterns and tools.
In this session, we'll take a lap around some of the major extension points of ASP.NET Core 1.0, walking through how these features can help us build cleaner, more maintainable systems. We'll cover web APIs, traditional MVC applications, controllers, views, filters, dependency injection, tag helpers and more. With a SOLID foundation, our ASP.NET Core applications will be dead simple to build and maintain.

پیاده سازی مفاهیم SOLID در ASP.NET Core توسط نویسنده‌ی AutoMapper
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
  • VS is more responsive when running Git operations.
  • Debugging large solutions with /debug:fastlink PDBs is more robust. Changes in the PDB/DIA lead to reduced latency and a 30% reduction in heap memory consumption in the VS debugger that used to cause crashes.
  • C++ compiler bugfixes:
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer incorrectly sinking a function call past a store to a variable used in a __finally handler.
    • Fix for the SSA optimizer sometimes incorrectly analyzing memory loads from locations with negative offsets.
    • Fix for the optimizer incorrectly transforming a pre-incremented loop into a post-incremented loop. This was found compiling the ICU project.
  • Microsoft bumped up the Java™ Development Kit 8 to Update 172 (JDK version 8u172). 
Visual Studio 2017 version 15.6.7 منتشر شد
architectural styles چه چیز هایی هستند ؟
تو این ویدیو نگاهی انداختیم به این که اساسا به چه کسی میگیم معمار نرم افزار، و معماری یعنی چی، و اینکه یک بعد از 4 بعد معماری رو باهم بررسی کردیم بعد استراکچر یا استایل معماری.

 03:40 who is a software architecture 
06:30 What is Architecture 
10:00 Architectural Style 
16:15 Monolithic and Distributed architectural styles
architectural styles چه چیز هایی هستند ؟
تقویم شمسی AngularJS

A clean, flexible, and fully customizable persian date picker. User can navigate through months and years. The datepicker shows dates that come from other than the main month being displayed. These other dates are also selectable.

تقویم شمسی AngularJS
نحوه ساخت اپلیکیشنهای Real-time تحت وب با ASP.NET Core SignalR

 show how easy it is to add real-time functionality to your web applications using ASP.NET Core SignalR. They discuss topics such as targeting with clients, SignalR transports, and options for running your SignalR application in the cloud.

Now, you can even leverage the Hub protocol spec is the available on GitHub if you're interested in creating your own SignalR client.

  • [02:10]  - Quick introduction to SignalR
  • [06:06] - Targeting clients
  • [10:51] - Leveraging the Hub protocol
  • [12:18]  - SignalR Transports
  • [13:55] - Hosting SignalR in a background service
  • [16:22] - Azure SignalR Service
  • [18:22] - The SignalR Java client on Android
  • [22:34] - Streaming with SignalR 
نحوه ساخت اپلیکیشنهای Real-time تحت وب با ASP.NET Core SignalR