لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
Many applications have a need to keep audit information on changes made to objects in the database. Traditionally, this would be done either through log events, stored procedures that implement the logging, or the use of archive/tombstone tables to store the old values before the modification (hopefully enforced through stored procedures). With all of these, there is always a chance that a developer could forget to do those things in a specific section of code, and that changes could be made through the application without logging the change correctly. With Entity Framework 4.1’s DbContext API, it is fairly easy to implement more robust audit logging in your application  
لاگ زدن تغییرات انجام شده در DbContext با Entity Framework 4.1
قسمت‌های مختلف Xamarin با NET 6. یکی خواهند شد

As part of our .NET unification, Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android will become part of .NET 6 as .NET for iOS and .NET for Android. Because these bindings are projections of the SDKs shipped from Apple and Google, nothing changes there, however build tooling, target framework monikers, and runtime framework monikers will be updated to match all other .NET 6 workloads. Our commitment to keeping .NET developers up-to-date with the latest mobile SDKs is foundational to .NET MAUI and remains firm. When .NET 6 ships, we expect to ship a final release of Xamarin SDKs in their current form that will be serviced for a year. All modern work will at that time shift to .NET 6. 

قسمت‌های مختلف Xamarin با NET 6. یکی خواهند شد
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
عدم سازگاری با EF
با سلام و احترام
وقتی دیتا سورس از جنس اینتیتی تعریف می‌کنم بحتی هیچ ستونی هم اد نمی‌کنم بدون اینکه خطایی دریافت کنم فایل پی دی اف، read only  می‌مونه و حجم فایل 0kb باقی می‌مونه
 public static IPdfReportData CreatePdfReport(Order order, int languageId)
            if (order == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("order");

            Language lang = IoC.Resolve<ILanguageService>().GetLanguageById(languageId);

            if (lang == null)
                throw new NopException("Language could not be loaded");

            var localizationManager = IoC.Resolve<ILocalizationManager>();
            var orderProductVariants = order.OrderProductVariants;
            return new PdfReport().DocumentPreferences(doc =>
                doc.DocumentMetadata(new DocumentMetadata { Author = "coponet", Application = "coponet eshop", Keywords = "Factor", Subject = "Factor", Title = "Factor" });
                doc.Compression(new CompressionSettings
                    EnableCompression = true,
                    EnableFullCompression = true
                doc.PrintingPreferences(new PrintingPreferences
                    ShowPrintDialogAutomatically = false
            .DefaultFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.Path(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\fonts\\arial.ttf",
                                  Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\fonts\\verdana.ttf");
            .PagesFooter(footer =>
                footer.DefaultFooter(CalenderHelper.dateTimeParseToString("yyyy/MM/dd", order.CreatedOn, CalenderEnum.PersianCalender));
            .PagesHeader(header =>
                header.DefaultHeader(defaultHeader =>
                    //defaultHeader.ImagePath(AppPath.ApplicationPath + "\\Images\\01.png");
                    defaultHeader.Message("Our new rpt.");
            .MainTableTemplate(template =>
            .MainTablePreferences(table =>
            .MainTableDataSource(dataSource =>
                //var listOfRows = new List<User>();
                //for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
                //    listOfRows.Add(new User {Id = i});
            .MainTableEvents(events =>
                events.DataSourceIsEmpty(message: "There is no data available to display.");
           ).Generate(data => data.AsPdfFile(string.Format("{0}\\documents\\Temp\\Factor-{1}.pdf", HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, order.OrderId)));

این نمونه کدی که استفاده کردم

سری آموزشی مقدماتی Web API

Our beginner's guide to building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core is designed to provide you with the foundation you need to start building Web APIs with .NET in a collection of short, pragmatic collection of videos. Web APIs have become a critical component in almost every type of software we use today. In this introductory video series, we will walk you through the fundamental concepts you need to know to get started with building Web APIs using ASP.NET Core. We will cover topics such as routing, validation, working with data, and much more.  

سری آموزشی مقدماتی Web API
نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE

ASP.NET Core is a completely new web framework for building modern cloud-based web applications. In this presentation learn all about ASP.NET Core and including the latest features and innovations in MVC. You’ll see how you can build applications that run cross-platform on Windows, Mac and Linux via .NET Core. You’ll also see how ASP.NET Core MVC gives you a unified web programming model for building both web UI and web APIs.

نگاهی دقیق به ASP.NET CORE
کتابخانه DotSpatial

DotSpatial is a geographic information system library written for .NET Framework. It allows developers to incorporate spatial data, analysis and mapping functionality into their applications or to contribute GIS extensions to the community.

DotSpatial provides a map control for .NET and several GIS capabilities including:

  • Display a map in a .NET Windows Forms.
  • Open shapefiles, grids, rasters and images.
  • Render symbology and labels.
  • Reproject on the fly.
  • Manipulate and display attribute data.
  • Scientific analysis.
  • Read GPS data. 
کتابخانه DotSpatial
ارائه‌ی Roslyn analyzers برای فایل‌های کامپایل شده‌ی دات نتی

Peeker is a tool that runs Roslyn code analyzers on precompiled .NET binaries. If source mappings are provided in the form of a PDB file, the inspection results are associated with the original source locations. Peeker outputs its results in the SARIF file format. 

ارائه‌ی Roslyn analyzers برای فایل‌های کامپایل شده‌ی دات نتی
کتاب Akka.NET مختصر و مفید

Akka.NET is an open-source actor model framework written exclusively for Microsoft.NET in C# and compatible with .NET Core. It simplifies the building of scalable, concurrent, high-throughput, and low-latency systems, making life for software developers a bit easier. Zoran Maksimovic's Akka.NET Succinctly will show readers what an actor model is and how to work with actors in Akka.NET, taking them from an actor's lifecycle through to unit testing.

کتاب Akka.NET مختصر و مفید