نتایج نظرسنجی بازار کار توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2021 توسط CodinGame

.NET Core placed high in a web-dominated ranking of development frameworks published by CodinGame, which provides a tech hiring platform.
Frameworks: React is 2021’s most sought-after framework
Node.js, React and .NETCore are currently the most popular frameworks amongst developers.
React is the most sought-after framework: 59% of tech recruiters are on the lookout for developers who know React. 

نتایج نظرسنجی بازار کار توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2021 توسط CodinGame
پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net

Nowadays, I am trying to learn different design patterns in object oriented paradigm that are pretty useful to implement generic solutions for different scenarios. Few weeks ago for a job hunt, I got an assignment to do which was a web application that would interact with database, so I took it up as a challenge and decided to make it loosely coupled using design patterns which were applicable in that scenario.

پیاده سازی الگوی ریپازیتوری و تزریق وابستگی در ado.net
Chrome 80 به همراه تغییرات پردازش کوکی‌ها منتشر شد

Third Party Site Cookies

In August 2020, Google announced their 'Privacy Sandbox' initiative, which aims to preserve and protect user's privacy. The cookie processing change is part of this initiative. An official  blog post sheds some light on it.

Google will drop support for third-party cookies in the Chrome browser in two years. Also, the company will start limiting cross-site tracking by enforcing its new SameSite rules . This has already happened in Chrome 80.

The SameSite-by-default and SameSite=None-requires-Secure behaviors will begin rolling out to Chrome 80 Stable for an initial limited population starting the week of February 17, 2020. 

Chrome 80 به همراه تغییرات پردازش کوکی‌ها منتشر شد
پروتکل HTTP/2
The Pingdom blog discusses HTTP/2 and how it will improve the performance of websites and applications 
پروتکل HTTP/2
WebAssembly کردن NET. با Blazor

 WebAssembly is one of the newest technologies to hit the web dev world with some promising new features around performance and expanding the boundaries of web languages. We’ll take a look at using it with Blazor to allow .NET developers to create a SPA. 

WebAssembly کردن NET. با Blazor
کتابخانه At.js
Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application.  Demo
  • Support IE 7+ for textarea.
  • Supports HTML5 contentEditable elements (NOT including IE 8)
  • Can listen to any character and not just '@'. Can set up multiple listeners for different characters with different behavior and data
  • Listener events can be bound to multiple inputors.
  • Format returned data using templates
  • Keyboard controls in addition to mouse
    • Tab or Enter keys select the value
    • Up and Down navigate between values (and Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N also)
    • Right and left will re-search the keyword.
  • Custom data handlers and template renderers using a group of configurable callbacks
  • Supports AMD
کتابخانه At.js
همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton

Singleton design pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class throughout the application which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case the same instance can be used from everywhere, being impossible to invoke directly the constructor each time. 

همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton