کد نویسی تعاملی #C و #F با REPLs

REPLs are great! REPL stands for Read–eval–print loop and is pronounced "REP-L" quickly, like "battle." Lots of languages and environments have interactive coding and REPLS at their heart and have for years. C# and F# do also, but a lot of people don't realize there are REPLs available! 

کد نویسی تعاملی #C  و #F با REPLs
اجرای C# در مرورگر بوسیله Web Assembly

C# is usually thought of as a backend, server-side language. But with the Blazor-Web Assembly combo, developers can use it for client-side as well. 

اجرای C# در مرورگر بوسیله Web Assembly
سیستم عامل Windows Core چیست؟ آیا آینده Windows است؟

A unified Windows operating system across all devices, from Windows desktops to Xbox One. How does that sound? Well, that’s what Windows Core OS is all about.

Though Microsoft has not officially released it yet, there is a lot of expectation online about this operating system and its potential to change the world of smart devices. 

سیستم عامل Windows Core چیست؟ آیا آینده Windows است؟
کتابخانه Philter

Philter is a jQuery plugin giving you the power to control CSS filters with HTML attributes.  Demo

Here's a list of filters that you can use and their limitations in Philter.

  • blur
  • grayscale
  • hue-rotate
  • saturate
  • sepia
  • contrast
  • invert
  • opacity
  • brightness
  • drop-shadow - Supports only black color. Requires 4 values. The 4th value instead of color is opacity 0 to 100%.
  • svg - Custom SVG filter. Requires 1 value - filter ID.
  • color - Requires 2 values. Color and opacity. Doesn't support transitions.
  • vintage - Requires an integer from 1 to 6. Doesn't support transitions or opacity. 
کتابخانه Philter