ویدیوهای Microsoft Build 2021

Microsoft Build 2021
Explore what’s next in tech and the future of hybrid work. Join us May 25–27, 2021 at Microsoft Build.

ویدیوهای Microsoft Build 2021
Redis 6.0.0 GA منتشر شد

The next major release of the popular data structure server is here. Redis is at the heart of so many data systems nowadays that any major release is big news but 6.0 packs in a lot of new bits and pieces that make it more robust and capable of modern workloads, including:
- Access Control Lists (ACL) for limiting what certain clients can do.
- Diskless replication on replicas.
- Threaded I/O (but Redis itself remains primarily single threaded).
- SSL/TLS support.
- A new client-server protocol, RESP3.

Redis 6.0.0 GA منتشر شد
Moq در .NET Core

Moq makes testing this piece of code a breeze. Without it, I would have had to write a whole lot of essentially throwaway code just to test this three line controller action. Probably one or two orders of magnitude more code. Clearly, this tool which I relied on heavily prior to .NET Core, remains quite a powerful weapon in my arsenal in .NET Core. 

Moq در .NET Core
هندبوک Front-end

The resources and tools for learning about the practice of front-end development.

هندبوک Front-end
انتشار Dataset بیش از 20 میلیون بد افزار

"SoReL-20M" (short for Sophos-ReversingLabs – 20 Million), as it's called, is a dataset containing metadata, labels, and features for 20 million Windows Portable Executable (.PE) files, including 10 million disarmed malware samples, with the goal of devising machine-learning approaches for better malware detection capabilities. 

انتشار Dataset بیش از 20 میلیون بد افزار
کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها

Component architectures are an important part of ever modern front-end framework. In this article, I’m going to dissect Polymer, React, Rio.js, Vue.js, Aurelia and Angular 2 components. The goal is to make the commonalities between each solution obvious. Hopefully, this will convince you that learning one or the other isn’t all that complex, given that everyone has somewhat settled on a component architecture. 

کتابخانه های برنامه های Front-End و معماری کامپوننت ها
بررسی اکوسیستم React در سال 2024

As React celebrates its 11th anniversary in 2024, it’s worth looking ahead to the exciting developments in the React ecosystem. In this blog, we’ll explore various aspects of the ecosystem, building on what was happening in 2023 and what you can expect in the coming year. 

بررسی اکوسیستم React در سال 2024
ساخت داکیومنت تعاملی برای #C توسط Try .NET

Try .NET is an interactive documentation generator for .NET Core. 

Use Try .NET to create executable C# snippets for your websites or, interactive markdown files that users can run on their machine. 

Try .NET execute C# code in client side using Blazor and Web Assembly. 


ساخت داکیومنت تعاملی برای #C توسط Try .NET