معرفی NET Community Toolkit.

CommunityToolkit/dotnet: .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation. 

معرفی NET Community Toolkit.
4.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
  • Telerik UI for WPF controls disabled in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 and Preview 4.
  • Unhandled System.OperationCanceledException.
  • We have updated the Dockerfile scaffolding in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes to use the Microsoft Container Registry instead of Docker Hub.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where modifying Dockerfile.develop does not cause the service to be redeployed.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a service in an Azure Dev Spaces project could fail to start.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a service in an Azure Dev Spaces project stops running after debugging is stopped in Visual Studio.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where a null reference error dialog is sometimes displayed when picking accounts in the Azure Dev Spaces Dialog.
  • We have fixed an issue in Visual Studio Tools for Kubernetes where the cluster selection dialog is displayed when adding Kubernetes orchestration support. 
4.Visual Studio 2019 RC منتشر شد
کش کردن حاصل عملیات در EF Core

Entity Framework (EF) Core is the rearchitected and rewritten version of the Entity Framework object relational mapping engine for .NET Core applications. It is very light-weight, extensible, and cross platform.

However, high transaction .NET Core applications using EF Core face performance and scalability bottlenecks in the database-tier under peak loads. This is because, although you can linearly scale the application tier by adding more application servers, you cannot add more database servers to scale it.

But, if you use a distributed cache like NCache in your .NET Core applications, you can quickly remove these performance and scalability bottlenecks and handle extreme transaction loads. 

کش کردن حاصل عملیات در EF Core
کتابخانه primereact

PrimeReact is a collection of rich UI components for React. All widgets are open source and free to use under MIT License.

کتابخانه primereact
نظرات مطالب
مروری بر کاربردهای Action و Func - قسمت اول
فکر نمی‌کنم به خاطر دات نت 1 باشه. دلیلی فراتر از این وجود داره. با کمی جستجو، این لینک که بر اساس VS 2010 نوشته شده، در پاراگراف آخر دلیل منطقی‌تری رو ارائه میده. در مورد WebGrid که فرمودید، بحثش جداست. من از کامپوننت‌های متن باز Telerik در بستر ASP.NET MVC استفاده می‌کنم و از انعطاف پذیری Action و Func در متدهای اون لذت می‌برم. حرف من در مورد تعریف واجب استفاده از Predefined Delegates به جای اینترفیس‌های تک متدی است.

One good example of using a single-method interface instead of a delegate is IComparable or the generic version, IComparable<T>. IComparable declares the CompareTo method, which returns an integer that specifies a less than, equal to, or greater than relationship between two objects of the same type. IComparable can be used as the basis of a sort algorithm. Although using a delegate comparison method as the basis of a sort algorithm would be valid, it is not ideal. Because the ability to compare belongs to the class and the comparison algorithm does not change at run time, a single-method interface is ideal.