Jint؛ یک مفسر جاوااسکریپتی مخصوص دات نت

Jint is a Javascript interpreter for .NET which can run on any modern .NET platform as it supports .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET 4.6.1 targets (and up). Because Jint neither generates any .NET bytecode nor uses the DLR it runs relatively small scripts really fast. 

Jint؛ یک مفسر جاوااسکریپتی مخصوص دات نت
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 3.

Here’s what’s new in this preview release:

  • Smaller SignalR, Blazor Server, and MessagePack scripts
  • Enable Redis profiling sessions
  • HTTP/3 endpoint TLS configuration
  • Initial .NET Hot Reload support
  • Razor compiler no longer produces a separate Views assembly
  • Shadow-copying in IIS
  • Vcpkg port for SignalR C++ client
  • Reduced memory footprint for idle TLS connections
  • Remove slabs from the SlabMemoryPool
  • BlazorWebView controls for WPF & Windows Forms 
تغییرات ASP.NET Core در NET 6 Preview 3.
چند نکته در مورد ساخت image های docker

  1. Use official and verified Docker Images as Base Image 
  2. Use Specific Docker Image Versions 
  3. Use Small-Sized Official Images 
  4. Optimize Caching Image Layers 
  5. Use .dockerignore file 
  6. Make use of Multi-Stage Builds 
  7. Use the Least Privileged User
  8. Scan your Images for Security Vulnerabilities  
چند نکته در مورد ساخت image های docker
انتشار Samsung Releases 4th Preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen including support for .NET Core 2.0 Preview

Samsung has released the fourth preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen. Tizen is a Linux-based open source OS running on over 50 million Samsung devices including TVs, wearables, and mobile phones. Since announcing its collaboration with Microsoft on .NET Core and Xamarin.Forms projects last November, Samsung has steadily released preview versions of.NET support for Tizen with enriched features, such as supporting TV application development and various Visual Studio tools for Tizen.

انتشار Samsung Releases 4th Preview of Visual Studio Tools for Tizen including support for .NET Core 2.0 Preview
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core
1. Using xproj & csproj files together
2. Building for deployment
3. NetStandard vs NetCoreApp1.0
4. IIS is dead, well sort of
5. HttpModules and HttpHandlers are replaced by new “middleware”
6. FileStream moved to System.IO.FileSystem ???
7. StreamReader constructor no longer works with a file path
8. Platform specific code… like Microsoft specific RSA
9. Newtonsoft changed to default to camel case on field names 🙁
10. Log4net doesn’t work and neither do countless other dependencies, unless you target .NET 4.5!
11. System.Drawing doesn’t exist
12. DataSet and DataTable doesn’t exist
13. Visual Studio Tooling
14. HttpWebRequest weird changes
15. Creating a Windows Service in .NET Core 
15 درس هنگام مهاجرت به .NET Core