روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ

Logging is a big part of software development for many years now. One can argue that a logging mechanism is a must-have part of any application or library. I would agree with that statement. Logging has a crucial part to play in a scenario where you can’t use interactive debugging (that is, attaching a debugger like Visual Studio). It allows us to investigate errors after the problem already happened. In some cases, like Production Debugging, logs might be the only information you have. 

روش های مدرن برای ثبت خطا در سی شارپ
Dependency Injection

در ادامه مباحث بهتر کد بنویسیم و الگوهایی که در این رابطه معرفی شدند، اخیرا کتابی از انتشارات manning منتشر شده تحت عنوان Dependency Injection . هر چند به ظاهر این کتاب برای جاوا کارها تهیه شده اما قسمت عمده‌ای از آن برای سایر زبان‌های برنامه نویسی دیگر نیز قابل استفاده است.

In object-oriented programming, a central program normally controls other objects in a module, library, or framework. With dependency injection, this pattern is inverted—a reference to a service is placed directly into the object which eases testing and modularity. Spring or Google Guice use dependency injection so you can focus on your core application and let the framework handle infrastructural concerns.
Dependency Injection explores the DI idiom in fine detail, with numerous practical examples that show you the payoffs. You'll apply key techniques in Spring and Guice and learn important pitfalls, corner-cases, and design patterns. Readers need a working knowledge of Java but no prior experience with DI is assumed.

◊ How to apply it (Understand it first!)
◊ Design patterns and nuances
◊ Spring, Google Guice, PicoContainer, and more
◊ How to integrate DI with Java frameworks

راستی، این کتاب تر و تازه رو می‌تونید از همین کتاب فروشی‌های دور و اطراف نیز تهیه کنید! در سایت booktraining دات ارگ در قسمت graphics-and-design به تاریخ 4 آگوست.

ارتقاء Xamarin.Forms به NET Standard.

Welcome to The Xamarin Show Snack Pack Edition. A Snack Pack is bite sized episode that is focused on a specific topic and covered in just a few minutes. Today, we take a look at how to manage and upgrade your Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms based applications to target .NET Standard. We also see how to install existing PCL based NuGets into that library. 

ارتقاء Xamarin.Forms به NET Standard.
مجموعه Awesome .NET Performance

A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. 

مجموعه Awesome .NET Performance
کتاب رایگان PowerShell Succinctly

Learn to leverage a variety of PowerShell commands to invoke scripts that work with existing frameworks, including .NET and XML, to optimize productivity. 

کتاب رایگان PowerShell Succinctly
معرفی ابزاری به منظور مستند سازی Database
PDF Output
It is now easy to generate a PDF listing all tables and views in your database.

Column Level Details
Get column level detail on primary keys, data types, and defaults along with descriptions. Easily find missing indexes and incorrect column definitions.

Document column level table usage by views, stored procedures and functions.

Description Editor
Use the included description editor to add a description to tables, columns, views, stored procedures, and functions quickly and easily. 
معرفی ابزاری به منظور مستند سازی Database