Metadata Function ها در SQL Server

To be able to make full use of the system catalog to find out more about a database, you need to be familiar with the metadata functions. They save a great deal of time and typing when querying the metadata. Once you get the hang of these functions, the system catalog suddenly seems simple to use, as Robert Sheldon demonstrates in this article. 

Metadata Function ها در SQL Server
مقایسه‌ای بین Mapperly و AutoMapper
There is a better alternative — a mapping library based on source generators And the name of this library is Mapperly ( https://github.com/riok/mapperly)
This library solves the problems of AutoMapper and doesn’t exclude the use of manual mapping if you really want to :)
مقایسه‌ای بین Mapperly و AutoMapper
نظرات مطالب
کار با اسکنر در برنامه های تحت وب (قسمت دوم و آخر)
با سلام
در صورتی که از وب سرویس asmx یا web API یا wcf service در پروژه وبی جهت انجام عملیات اسکن استفاده کنم با خطای زیر مواجه می‌شوم :

Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {850D1D11-70F3-4BE5-9A11-77AA6B2BB201} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)).

سطح دسترسی application pool وب سایت را نیز تغییر داده ام, اما مشکل حل نشده است .
ظاهرا اگر عملیات دسترسی به کتابخانه WIA از طریق وب سایت انجام شود این مشکل به وجود می‌آید .
یعنی حتما باید این کار در یک پروژه مجزای WCF انجام شود و هاست شود و سپس در وب اپلیکیشن فراخوانی شود؟ 
مستندات ASP.NET 5
    Getting Started
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Windows
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Mac OS X
        Installing ASP.NET 5 On Linux
        Choosing the Right .NET For You on the Server
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application Using Visual Studio
        Your First ASP.NET 5 Application on a Mac
        Publish to an Azure Web App using Visual Studio
    Conceptual Overview
        Introduction to ASP.NET 5
        Introducing .NET Core
        DNX Overview
        Understanding ASP.NET 5 Web Apps
        Working with Static Files
        Dependency Injection
        Working with Multiple Environments
    .NET Execution Environment (DNX)
        DNX Overview
        Creating a Cross-Platform Console App with DNX
        Working with DNX Projects
        Using Commands
    Publishing and Deployment
        Publish to a Docker Image
    Client-Side Development
        Grunt and Gulp: Task Runners
        Manage Client-Side Packages with Bower
        Building Beautiful, Responsive Sites with Bootstrap
        Knockout.js MVVM Framework
        Styling Applications with Less, Sass, and Font Awesome
        Enabling authenication using external providers
        Account Confirmation and Password Recovery with ASP.NET Identity
        Two-factor authenication with SMS using ASP.NET Identity
        Data Protection
        Writing Middleware
مستندات ASP.NET 5
نگاهی به MAUI در NET 6.

With .NET 6 previews starting right around the corner, it is time to start getting excited for the new .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) that was announced at BUILD 2020. This year of .NET has a lot of amazing things for client application developers. Let’s review the highlights and set your expectations for the year ahead. 

نگاهی به MAUI در NET 6.
کتابخانه vex
Vex is a modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily stylable, and gets out of the way. You'll love vex because it's tiny (6kb minified, 2kb minifed + gzipped), has a clear and simple API, works on mobile devices, and can be customized to match your style in seconds.  Demo
کتابخانه vex
نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0

What’s new for performance in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 3.0 – Ben Adams
One of the biggest advantages of using .NET Core (besides cross-platform support) is the drastic improvements in performance. Because the .NET Core team was able to make minor breaking changes in the runtime and Base Class Library (BCL), lots of stuff was implemented much more efficiently. In this session Ben will dive into the performance improvements in .NET Core in the 3.0 release: runtime changes, JIT changes, intrinsics and a deep dive into some of the improvements making it the best release yet!

نگاهی به بهبودهای کارآیی در NET Core. و ASP.NET Core 3.0
VSCode برای توسعه دهندگان سی‌شارپ

VSCode for the C# Developer - Tim Corey - NDC London 2023

VSCode is a nimble editor that can do just about anything. In this session, we will set up and configure VSCode for use in C# development. Then we will use it to build, debug, and deploy a small .NET Core web application to Azure.
Along the way, we will go over a list of the top C#-focused plugins for VSCode. Whether you are just getting started with VSCode or you are used to VSCode but want to start building C# projects, this session will get you up to speed fast. 

VSCode برای توسعه دهندگان سی‌شارپ