نظرات مطالب
Eazfuscator 2.6 منتشر شد
مطابق فایل راهنمای همراه آن:
Eazfuscator.NET magically handles signing options of the project. In case of direct ILMerge usage, you have to supply it with signing key and options manually
به این معنا که مدیریت امضای دیجیتال را هم خودکار انجام می‌دهد
مقایسه کارآیی بین C# Wasm AOT ،C# Wasm Interpreted ،C# Runtime و JavaScript

The conclusion of the analysis:
C# Wasm AOT still has a long way to become a general and performant client side web programming platform. Note: The usage of the Uno.Wasm.Bootstrap toolchain may have affected the performance of some of the benchmarks. Thus, this analysis should not be regarded as a benchmark of the finalized product. However, note that the Uno platform is using ".NET 6 WebAssembly Mixed mode AOT/Interpreter" (source). 

مقایسه کارآیی بین C# Wasm AOT ،C# Wasm Interpreted ،C# Runtime و JavaScript
نظرات مطالب
اعتبارسنجی مبتنی بر JWT در ASP.NET Core 2.0 بدون استفاده از سیستم Identity
سلام. وقت بخیر. من سیاست دسترسی پویا رو به jwt اضافه کردم. کلیه Claimها رو  به accesstoken اضافه میکنم و درست هم عملیات دسترسی چک میشود.
 فقط این Claimها که در توکن اضافه میشود در سمت سرور از روی توکن ارسالی کاربر چک میشود؟
 public bool CanUserAccess(ClaimsPrincipal user, string area, string controller, string action)
            var currentClaimValue = $"{area}:{controller}:{action}";
            var securedControllerActions = _mvcActionsDiscoveryService.GetAllSecuredControllerActionsWithPolicy(ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission);
            if (!securedControllerActions.SelectMany(x => x.MvcActions).Any(x => x.ActionId == currentClaimValue))
                throw new KeyNotFoundException($@"The `secured` area={area}/controller={controller}/action={action} with `ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermission` policy not found. Please check you have entered the area/controller/action names correctly and also it's decorated with the correct security policy.");

            if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return false;

            if (user.IsInRole("Admin"))
                // Admin users have access to all of the pages.
                return true;

            // Check for dynamic permissions
            // A user gets its permissions claims from the `ApplicationClaimsPrincipalFactory` class automatically and it includes the role claims too.

            //for check user has claim for access to action
            return user.HasClaim(claim => claim.Type == ConstantPolicies.DynamicPermissionClaimType &&
                                          claim.Value == currentClaimValue);
امکان دستکاری توسط کاربر وجود ندارد؟ اگر اینطور است چطور این دسترسی‌ها رو در سمت سرور بعد از login در حافظه سرور ذخیره کنیم برای دفعات بعد؟
سری آموزشی CQRS

This series of articles show "how" to achieve architecture with decoupled infrastructure concerns so that the end solution is simple to follow and maintain. 

سری آموزشی CQRS
React v17.0 منتشر شد

Today, we are releasing React 17! We’ve written at length about the role of the React 17 release and the changes it contains in the React 17 RC blog post. This post is a brief summary of it, so if you’ve already read the RC post, you can skip this one. 

React v17.0 منتشر شد
نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر

This command allows cleaning up project and assembly references that have no actual usages in source code. You can apply this command on a project, solution folder, or the entire solution. Before deletion is complete, you will be able to see all references that are going to be removed and. if necessary, preserve the ones that you want to keep.

نحوه حذف رفرنس های استفاده نشده در پروژه با استفاده از ریشارپر