مجموعه UI قدرتمند برای HTML5 و jQuery
jQWidgets comes with an amazing collection of help tutorials and examples built to help you using our UI Tools with other Frameworks and CMS. On our Documentation page, you will find how to use jQWidgets with PHP, ASP .NET, ASP .NET MVC, Joomla, WordPress, Knockout, Breeze, RequireJS, Twitter Bootstrap, Hot Towel and more
مجموعه UI قدرتمند برای HTML5 و jQuery
13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید

ASP.NET is one of the most successful web application development frameworks by Microsoft. With every update, new and extended features are added that help developers deploy highly scalable and high-performance web applications.

When coupled with application monitoring and other performance tools, such as a profiler, ASP.NET becomes a powerful solution for building incredible apps.

Within the framework itself, there are myriad features to help you overcome common development challenges, do more with your apps, and boost performance. 

13 ویژگی برتر ASP.NET Core که لازم است بدانید
Visual Studio 2017 نگارش 15.5.4 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in this release:
- The debugger cannot continue running the process. Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x9233000b.
- Recent Projects and Solutions not populated once executed.
- Full build every time with 15.5.
- Wrong IntelliSense errors are still shown on VS 15.5.2 for Visual Basic projects.
- VS2017 15.5.2 Unresolved references when "Allow parallel project initialization" is enabled.
- Upgrading to 15.5.2: cannot launch nor repair VS.
- VS2017 Installation issue.
- Unable to install because of BSoD.

Visual Studio 2017 نگارش 15.5.4 منتشر شد
پیاده سازی Domain-Driven Design با EF

The Intersection of Microservices, Domain-Driven Design and Entity Framework Core
Domain-Driven Design (DDD) provides much of the strategic design guidance that we can use to determine the boundaries around and interactions between Microservices in our solutions. DDD also follows up with tactical design patterns for your business logic. In this session we'll take a look at some of these patterns and how EF Core naturally, or with some additional configuration, persists the data that your microservices depend on. 

پیاده سازی Domain-Driven Design با EF
ویژگیهای برنامه ریزی شده C# 8.0

In this C# 8 tutorial, I am going to introduce a selection of currently planned features which will most probably end up in the final release. All of the C# 8 features are still early in development and are likely to change. 

ویژگیهای برنامه ریزی شده C# 8.0
نظرات مطالب
مبانی TypeScript؛ تهیه فایل‌های تعاریف نوع‌ها
نکته‌ای در مورد رفع مشکل «typings ERR! caused by connect ECONNREFUSED» پس از نصب TypeScript 2.0

پس از ارائه‌ی TypeScript 2.0، مایکروسافت کار مدیریت مخزن Typings را به عهده گرفته‌است و کار آن توزیع مخزن DefinitelyTyped به npm است و دیگر نیازی به استفاده از ابزارهای  typings و یا tsd نیست. برای مثال اینبار بجای اینکه دستور ذیل را صادر کنیم:
typings install lodash --ambient --save
که با خطای یاد شده متوقف می‌شود، می‌توان نوشت:
npm install --save @types/lodash
یعنی همه چیز مانند حالت نصب معمولی lodash است (npm install --save lodash)؛ اما یک types@ را در ابتدای آن بیشتر دارد. در این حالت فایل‌های d.ts. را در پوشه‌ی types@ ذیل node_modules خواهید یافت:

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API

Ticketier project | ASP.NET Core Web API CRUD and Search | .NET 7 API | Full Course

Full Course Ticketier project with ASP.NET Core Web API (.NET 7 API ) and  Entity Framework Core covering CRUD and Search step by step
In this video, we will create an ASP.NET Core Web API (.NET 7) project called Ticketier and implement full CRUD and Search functionality into it.
The focus of this project is to show you how you can build new ASP.NET Core Web API (.NET 7) project from 0 to 100 and implement CRUD and Search in it.

we will learn these topics together:
Http Methods
Where clause 

پیاده سازی یک پروژه با ASP.NET Core Web API
پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs

A simple yet organized project template for building ASP.NET Core APIs in .NET Core 3.1

Tools and Frameworks Used

  • .NET Core 3.1
  • ASP.NET Core - For building RESTful APIs
  • Dapper - For data access.
  • AutoMapper - For mapping entity models to DTOs.
  • AutoWrapper - For handling request Exceptions and consistent HTTP response format.
  • AutoWrapper.Server - For unwrapping the Result attribute from AutoWrapper's ApiResponse output.
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore - For securing API documentation.
  • FluentValidation.AspNetCore - For Model validations
  • Serilog.AspNetCore - For logging capabilities
  • IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation - For JWT Authentication handling
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Http.Polly - For handling HttpClient Resilience and Transient fault-handling
  • AspNetCoreRateLimit - For controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an external API based on IP address or client ID.
  • AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For performing health checks
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks - For getting the results of Health Checks in the application
  • AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI - For Health Status visualization
  • xUnit and Moq - For unit testing.  

پروژه ApiBoilerPlate برای ساخت پروژه های ASP.NET Core APIs
انتشار PostSharp 5.0 RTM

PostSharp 5.0 adds support for .NET Core 1.1, Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7.0. It also introduces brand new features like the [Cache] aspect, the [Command] and [DependencyProperty] aspects for XAML applications. And the Logging feature has been completely revamped, now fully customizable and faster than ever.

انتشار PostSharp 5.0 RTM