Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core

 In this article, we will learn how to use JQuery Datatable in ASP.NET Core with Server Side Processing. We will also be building a simple real-world implementation to help understand JQuery Datatable to it’s fullest. You can find the source code of the entire implementation here. Let’s begin 

Server-side processing با DataTable در ASP.NET Core
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters
In an earlier column, I suggested that one way to speed up your application was to reduce the trips you make to your database, specifically by avoiding calling a stored procedure multiple times. To enable that, I showed how to pass a stored procedure multiple parameter values in a single call and then, inside the stored procedure, load the parameters into a table where they could be integrated with other SQL statements.
افزایش سرعت Store Procedures با Table Value Parameters
نگاهی به کار با Blazor در NET 8.

Full stack web in .NET 8 with Blazor | OD116

Learn how ASP.NET Blazor in .NET 8 allows you to use a single powerful component model to handle all of your web UI needs, including server-side rendering, client-side rendering, streaming rendering, progressive enhancement, and much more! 

نگاهی به کار با Blazor در NET 8.
دوره کامل NET MAUI.

.NET MAUI Full Course : Cross Platform Development
.NET MAUI allows you to create multi-platform apps using one code base. That means you can develop for Android, iOS, macOS and of course Windows at the same time!
In this course I provide numerous examples on how to use all the tools MAUI provides. Check out the long table of contents below.  

دوره کامل NET MAUI.
نظرات مطالب
نحوه اضافه کردن Auto-Complete به جستجوی لوسین در ASP.NET MVC و Web forms
یک سوال خدمت شما داشتم اینکه :

وقتی بخوایم از 2 جدول متفاوت جستجو کنیم به نظر شما اطلاعات هر جدول را جداگانه ایندکس کنیم(منظورم همان کاری که متد CreateFullTextIndex شما انجام میده) یا خیر؟
البته منظور دو جدولی که با هم رابطه دارند.

چندتا لینک در مورد لوسین:

اورلیا به صورت عملی

This books shows all the steps necessary for the development of SPA (Single Page Application) applications with the Aurelia. With this book you will learn:

  • How to create a project in Aurelia
  • How to create Aurelia plugin
  • Understand how the SystemJS imports works
  • Using HTTP to connect to a server
  • HttpClient
  • FetchClient
  • How to use Firebase
  • Offline the app data
  • Working with loopback
  • ... 
اورلیا به صورت عملی
9 نکته مفید برای استقرار امن و نگهداری تمیز اپلیکیشن های بزرگ

An application’s code base is a living entity. It keeps growing, changing, and adapting. There’s always a new feature to add, more bugs to solve, and new bugs that are created as a result. As the teams grow, the code changes more often and there are ever more features, more issues, and more bugs. Thorough manual testing becomes impossible the bigger your application gets and as you ship more frequently. 

9 نکته مفید برای استقرار امن و نگهداری تمیز اپلیکیشن های بزرگ
کتابخانه 101

1) 101 will be maintained to minimize overlap with vanilla JS.

  • 101 utils are made to work well with vanilla JS methods.
  • 101 will only duplicate vanilla JS to provide functional programming paradigms or if the method is not available in a widely supported JS version (currently ES5).
  • Underscore/lodash - duplicates a lot of ES5: forEach, map, reduce, filter, sort, and more.

2) No need for custom builds.

  • With 101, import naturally, and what you use will be bundled.
  • Each util method is a module that can be required require('101/<util>').
  • Currently node/browserify is supported, I will add other module system support on request.
  • Underscore/lodash is large, and you have to manually create custom builds when if you're trying to optimize for size. 
کتابخانه 101