کتابخانه glogg

نرم افزاری بسیار سریع با قابلیت باز کردن فایل‌های چند گیگابایتی است که با استفاده از regular expressions به راحتی می‌توانید در آن جستجو کنید.  دانلود

glogg - the fast, smart log explorer

glogg is a multi-platform GUI application that helps browse and search through long and complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind and can be seen as a graphical, interactive combination of grep and less.

Main features

  • Runs on Unix-like systems, Windows and Mac thanks to Qt
  • Provides a second window showing the result of the current search
  • Reads UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 files
  • Supports grep/egrep like regular expressions
  • Colorizes the log and search results
  • Displays a context view of where in the log the lines of interest are
  • Is fast and reads the file directly from disk, without loading it into memory
  • Is open source, released under the GPL
کتابخانه glogg
AngularJs و i18n

The new i18n story in Angular

Internationalization support in Angular has been very poor so far. You might know that there’s anngLocalemodule you need to include, which is used by a couple components, likengPluralize,dateandcurrencyfilter to name a few, and that’s pretty much it. As we’ve already discussed, there’s so much more that comes into play when internationalizing an application, which is why there’s finally a new solution evolving that will bring first-class i18n support to the Angular framework. 

AngularJs و i18n
نظرات مطالب
استفاده از shim و stub برای mock کردن در آزمون واحد


(نوع stub همانند فریم ورک mock می‌باشد )

تعریفی که از stup تو راهنماش اومده با مطلبی که شما ذکر کردید متفاوته

Martin Fowler’s article Mocks aren’t Stubs compares and contrasts the underlying principles of Stubs and Mocks. As outlined in Martin Fowler’s article, a stub provides static canned state which results in state verification of the system under test, whereas a mock provides a behavior verification of the results for the system under test and their indirect outputs as related to any other component dependencies while under test

Bootstrap 3.4.0 منتشر شد

that’s not a typo—today we’re shipping Bootstrap 3.4.0, a long overdue update to address some quality of life issues, XSS fixes , and build tooling updates to make it easier for us, and you, to develop. 

Bootstrap 3.4.0 منتشر شد
انتشار Team Explorer Everywhere 14.0.2

We recently released a small update to Team Explorer Everywhere – a cross platform command line and Eclipse plug-in for working Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services. 

انتشار Team Explorer Everywhere  14.0.2
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
حجم تقریبا آپدیت از نسخه قبلی (17.8.1) حدود 666G میشه.

Summary of What's New in this Release of Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2

  • Fixed an issue where, in certain situations, a document window can get stuck showing a loading message.
  • In some cases (when a project is located under a solution folder) you may see an error when saving the project. The project would get saved but you would see an error about unable to cast a COM object. This issue is now fixed so the error is no longer displayed.

Developer Community

Visual Studio 2022 version 17.8.2 منتشر شد
نظرات مطالب
Blazor 5x - قسمت 19 - کار با فرم‌ها - بخش 7 - نکات ویژه‌ی کار با EF-Core در برنامه‌های Blazor Server
جهت ثبت و دریافت داده‌ها من از MediateR استفاده کردم.
در مرحله اول context را مطابق الوی گفته شده ایجاد کردم:
services.AddDbContextFactory<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
services.AddScoped<IunitOfWork>(serviceProvider =>
سپس با توجه به اینکه سرویس‌ها و IunitOfwork هم داخل هندلرها تعریف می‌شوند تنها اینترفیس Idisposable به  IunitOfwork   نسبت داده شده است:
public interface IUnitOfWork : IDisposable
و سپس 
@inherits  OwningComponentBase<IMediator>

تا به حال مشکلی در اجرا دیده نشد تا اینکه در حالت OnParameterAsync که دو مرتبه پشت سر هم اجرا میشود با خطاهای زیر روبرو شد:
 A second operation was started on this context instance before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads concurrently using the same instance of DbContext.
 For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext

 System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
      Object name: 'IServiceProvider'.
در صورتی که اگر با یک فلگ کنترل شود که در مرتبه‌های بعدی اجرا نشود مشکلی نیست.
در این حالت چند سوال مطرح میباشد:
1- آیا استفاده از MediateR به این شکل صحیح است؟ و اینکه استفاده از OwningComponentBase برای آن تاثیری دارد یا خیر اینکه مستقیم هم Inject شود کفایت میکند.
2- به جهت اینکه Onparameter دوبار صدا زده میشود. نحوه واکشی دیتا در این حالت چگونه است؟
نظرات اشتراک‌ها
dialog element در Chrome 37 Beta
در فایرفاکس با dialog-polyfill کار می‌کنه

Your browser doesn't seem to support dialog element yet. This demo is running in polyfill mode.