درک نقطه بحرانی CSS
The web is slow, yet there are a few simple strategies to make websites faster. One of them is inlining critical CSS into the  of your pages, yet how exactly do you do it if your site contains hundreds of pages, or even worse, hundreds of different templates? You can’t do it manually. Dean Hume explains an easy way to get it done 
درک نقطه بحرانی CSS
استفاده از jspm در ویژوال استدیو 2015

In a nutshell: jspm combines package management with module loading infrastructure and transpilers to provide a magical experience. You can write code using today’s JavaScript, or tomorrow’s JavaScript (ES6), and use any type of module system you like (ES6, AMD, or CommonJS). jspm figures everything out. By integrating package management with a smart script loader, jspm means less work for us. 

استفاده از jspm در ویژوال استدیو 2015
در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد

I can tell at least that in 3 years, JavaScript will gain more the status of a VM and lose the status of a language. Already today, not many people use raw JavaScript. You usually have some transpilation, at least e.g. Babel. In the future, Web Assembly will enable more innovation in that regards, and existing transpiling languages like Elm, TypeScript, PureScript will continue to improve. 

در آینده‌ی JavaScript کمتر از خود JavaScript استفاده خواهد شد
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها
You don't know what you have until you lose it. We all know what it means, but we often forget that it also applies to our health. In no way is this article intended to lecture you or make you feel guilty about your lifestyle. With this article, I simply want to share a few tips that can help you stay healthy as a programmer.
7 نکته برای حفظ سلامتی برنامه نویس‌ها