کتابخانه star-rating
The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery JavaScript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes.
کتابخانه star-rating
کتابخانه vibrant.js
Extract prominent colors from an image. Vibrant.js is a javascript port of the awesome Palette class in the Android support library.  Demo
کتابخانه vibrant.js
تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه

In order to cleanse the data as we parse it, we thought using a try/catch would be ok. If we don’t catch the exceptions, we’re good, right?
Turns out it kills our performance when we throw a lot of exceptions, even if we don’t catch them. Each exception has some costs . We needed to find a way to handle this data without involving exceptions.
TryParse turns out to be a method designed to solve our problem. We ran some benchmarks to prove it. 

تاثیر بروز استثناءها بر روی کارآیی برنامه
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
13.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
نکته‌ای در بکارگیری & بر روی متغیرهای bool به مناسبت 200 امین سالگرد تولد George Boole

bool totalSuccess = First() & Second();
If you want both operations to happen regardless of whether the first succeeded then using && would be wrong. (And similarly if you want to know if either succeeded, you’d use | instead of ||.)

نکته‌ای در بکارگیری & بر روی متغیرهای bool به مناسبت 200 امین سالگرد تولد George Boole
کتاب رایگان توسعه نرم افزار Agile

Learning new development processes can be difficult, but switching to Agile doesn’t need to be complicated. Explore the theories behind Agile and learn how to make it work for you. In Agile Software Development Succinctly, author Stephen Haunts will guide you to a fuller understanding of Agile, its advantages and disadvantages, and how to get the most out of it. 

کتاب رایگان توسعه نرم افزار Agile