سرویس جدیدی جهت تولید لینک (Link Generator)

We’re introducing a new singleton service that will support generating a URL. This new service can be used from middleware, and does not require an HttpContext. For right now the set of things you can link to is limited to MVC actions, but this will expand in 3.0. 

سرویس جدیدی جهت تولید لینک (Link Generator)
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5 منتشر شد

Top Issues Fixed in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5

Security Advisory Notices

CVE-2019-1232 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service improperly impersonates certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain elevated privileges. An attacker with unprivileged access to a vulnerable system could exploit this vulnerability. The security update addresses the vulnerability by ensuring the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service properly impersonates file operations.

CVE-2019-1301: Denial of Service Vulnerability in .NET Core

A denial of service vulnerability exists when .NET Core improperly handles web requests. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could cause a denial of service against a .NET Core web application. The vulnerability can be exploited remotely, without authentication.

The update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how the .NET Core web application handles web requests.

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.2.5 منتشر شد
Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد

Earlier today we finalized and published the next major release of Humanizer. This version includes many fixes and new features, many of them coming directly from the community. 

Humanizer 2.0 منتشر شد
Bootstrap 5 Beta 1 منتشر شد

There are some really awesome new features—RTL!—that have been added in this release, and they’ve come with some important changes. 

Bootstrap 5 Beta 1 منتشر شد
بازخوردهای پروژه‌ها
متود IsIn
متاسفانه من ابزار لازم را برای pull request ندارم برای همین به جاش اینجا مواردی را که دوست دارم ارائه میدهم:
        /// <summary>
        /// (Syntactic Sugar) Checks if the given value is among a list of values or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is for syntactic sugar. What it actually does is to allow developers to wrtie a code like this
        /// <code>
        /// xVariable.IsIn(MyEnum.Value1,MyEnum.Value2)
        /// </code>
        /// Instead of these codes:
        /// <code>
        /// new []{ MyEnum.Value1, MyEnum.Value2 }.Contains(xVariable);
        /// </code>
        /// Or more commonly:
        /// <code>
        /// xVariable == MyEnum.Value1 || xVariable == MyEnum.Value2
        /// </code>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsIn<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
            Func<T, T, bool> compare = (v1, v2) => EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(v1, v2);
            return list.Any(item => compare(item, source));
امروز و فردای C#
C# Today and Tomorrow
Mads Torgersen discusses how C# is evolving, how the teams work in the open source space, and some of the future features and changes to the language (C# 7).
امروز و فردای C#
کتابخانه sysend.js
sysend.js is small library that allow to send message between pages that are open in the same browser. They need to be in same domain. The library don't use any dependencies and use HTML5 LocalStorage API. You can send any object that can be serialized to JSON or just send empty notification.  Demo

Tested on GNU/Linux in Chromium 34, FireFox 29, Opera 12.16 (64bit) 
کتابخانه sysend.js
داستان استفاده از TypeScript در Bloomberg با 2000 توسعه‌ دهنده‌ی تمام وقت JavaScript

A fantastic writeup (from a TC39 member, no less) of how Bloomberg (the financial media company) adopted TypeScript and now has 2,000 full-time JavaScript engineers. Curiously we also learn that Bloomberg also have their own JavaScript runtime built around the V8 engine. 

داستان استفاده از TypeScript در Bloomberg با 2000 توسعه‌ دهنده‌ی تمام وقت JavaScript