کتاب Gulp Succinctly

Gulp is an easy-to learn, easy-to-use JavaScript task runner that has become an industry standard. This book offers an entry to Gulp for experienced developers. Author Kris van der Mast offers practical examples and clear descriptions, making Gulp Succinctly the perfect entry point for developers interested in Gulp. 

کتاب Gulp Succinctly
تشخیص تغییرات در Angular2

The basic task of change detection is to take the internal state of a program and make it somehow visible to the user interface. This state can be any kind of objects, arrays, primitives, … just any kind of JavaScript data structures. 

تشخیص تغییرات در Angular2
کتاب رایگان React.js

What Is ReactJS?

React (a.k.a. ReactJS or React.js) is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces, open sourced to the world by Facebook and Instagram team in 2013. One might think of it as the “View” in the “Model-View-Controller” pattern 

کتاب رایگان React.js
مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#

XPlot is a cross-platform data visualization package for the F# programming language powered by JavaScript charting libraries Google Charts and Plotly. The XPlot library can be used interactively from F# Interactive, but charts can also be embedded in F# applications and in HTML reports. 

مقدمه ای بر XPLOT ،کتابخانه رسم نمودار در F#
انجام SEO بر روی برنامه های Angular

We certainly have many old-fashioned ways to embed full SEO support for Angular JS, but many consider JavaScript SEO as a friendly option. This is because it uses special URL routing and creates headless browser settings to automatically retrieve the HTML. Read on to learn more. 

انجام SEO بر روی برنامه های Angular
JET یک فریم ورک SPA از اوراکل
 The claims for JET are: Complete JavaScript development toolkit, Leverages popular open-source technologies, Full lifecycle management for template based SPA, Built in accessibility support, Support for internationalization (28 languages and 160+ locales)Rich set of UI components, Advanced two-way binding with a common model layer, Powerful routing system supporting single-page application navigation, Smart resource management

JET یک فریم ورک SPA از اوراکل
کنترل پکیج های نصب شده bower با gulpfile در ASP.NET 5
ASP.NET 5 uses the NuGet package manager to get server-side libraries but for client-side things we recommend folks use Bower. The most popular JavaScript and CSS libraries are there, and there's no need for us to duplicate them in NuGet. This means ASP.NET 5 folks get to use the same great client-side libraries that other open web technologies enjoy.
کنترل پکیج های نصب شده bower با gulpfile در ASP.NET 5
Bootstrap 4 alpha منتشر شد
  • Moved from Less to Sass
  • Improved grid system
  • Opt-in flexbox support is here
  • Dropped wells, thumbnails, and panels for cards
  • Consolidated all our HTML resets into a new module, Reboot
  • Brand new customization options
  • Dropped IE8 support and moved to rem and em units
  • Rewrote all our JavaScript plugins
  • Improved auto-placement of tooltips and popovers
  • And tons more!  
Bootstrap 4 alpha منتشر شد
کتابخانه tap
Tap is a Javascript library for easy unified handling of user interactions such as mouse, touch and pointer events.
  • No need to detect what kind of events are supported, Tap handles this for you
  • Small distribution size of 1Kb
  • Use fastest event types supported (majority of browsers has ~300ms delay between touch/pointer events and click). Every millisecond does really matter!
کتابخانه tap
آموزش JavaScript Front-End Web App
Learn how to build a front-end web application in plain JavaScript with minimal effort. Do not use any (third-party) framework or library, such as jQuery or Angular, which create black-box dependencies and overhead, and prevent you from learning how to do it yourself.
آموزش JavaScript Front-End Web App