خداحافظی با حملات CSRF و cross-site leak برای همیشه از کروم 80 به بعد

In Chrome 80 and later, cookies will default to SameSite=Lax. This means that cookies will automatically be sent only in a first party context unless they opt-out by explicitly setting a directive of None.
But if you’re a web developer, you should start testing your sites and services now to help ensure a smooth transition. 

خداحافظی با حملات CSRF و cross-site leak برای همیشه از کروم 80 به بعد
همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton

Singleton design pattern is one of the simplest design patterns: it involves only one class throughout the application which is responsible to instantiate itself, to make sure it creates not more than one instance; in the same time it provides a global point of access to that instance. In this case the same instance can be used from everywhere, being impossible to invoke directly the constructor each time. 

همه چیز درباره الگوی طراحی Singleton
ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار

OWASP’s Top 10 Risk List is an important tool for security engineers and compliance analysts. It describes the 10 worst security problems that are found in web and mobile applications today. But, on its own, it’s not much help to developers, so OWASP has come up with a list of 10 things that you can do as a developer to make sure that your code is safe and secure. 

ده گام برای امنیت نرم افزار
کتاب رایگان Twilio with C# Succinctly

A functional introduction to Twilio for experienced C# developers . Ed Freitas will guide readers towards developing voice and messaging apps in C# using Twilio. With just some experience with C#, Twilio with C# Succinctly will open new avenues for effective application development.

Table of Contents

  1. Working with SMS
  2. Automation using SMS
  3. Receive and Make Calls
  4. Automation Using Voice 
کتاب رایگان Twilio with C# Succinctly
انتشار Unity 2018.1

The Visual Studio team is excited about the Unity 2018.1 release: It’s the start of a new release cycle packed with great new features like the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the C# Job System. You can read the full blog post by Unity for all the details on what’s new in the 2018.1 release. 

انتشار Unity 2018.1
مروری بر .net core توسط اسکات هانتر

There has never been a better time to be a .NET developer, you can now build Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows applications with .NET all in Open Source. In this session we will run through some of the new innovations including the .NET Framework updates, .NET Standard, Universal Windows Platform updates, .NET Core, managed languages and more. We will also review the updates to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code to make you a better developer, come see some of the latest productivity features in these tools including managing code style, searching your source and more.

مروری بر .net core  توسط اسکات هانتر