آشنایی با Oslo - قسمت دوم

قبل شروع این قسمت بد نیست با یک سری از وبلاگ‌های اعضای تیم Oslo آشنا شویم:

در ادامه‌ی مثال قسمت قبل، اکنون می‌خواهیم entity جدیدی به نام Project را به مدل اضافه کنیم:

//mschema to define a Project type
type Project
ProjectID : Integer64 = AutoNumber();
ProjectName : Text#25;
ConectionStringSource : Text;
ConectionStringDestination : Text;
DateCompared: DateTime;
Comment: Text?;
ProjectOwner: ApplicationUser;
} where identity ProjectID;

مطابق تعاریف فوق، فیلد ProjectOwner ارجاعی را به نوع ApplicationUser که پیشتر ایجاد کردیم دارد. اکنون برای مشاهده‌ی تغییرات حاصل شده نیاز به ایجاد یک جدول از روی این نوع جدید است که foreign key آن به صورت زیر تعریف می‌شود:

//this will define a SQL foreign key relationship
ProjectCollection : Project* where item.ProjectOwner in ApplicationUserCollection;

پس از افزودن این سطر، Intellipad بلافاصله اسکریپت T-SQL آن‌را برای ما ایجاد می‌کند که به شرح زیر است:

set xact_abort on;

begin transaction;

set ansi_nulls on;

create schema [Test1];

create table [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection]
[UserID] bigint not null identity,
[FirstName] nvarchar(max) null,
[LastName] nvarchar(25) not null,
[Password] nvarchar(10) not null,
constraint [PK_ApplicationUserCollection] primary key clustered ([UserID])

create table [Test1].[ProjectCollection]
[ProjectID] bigint not null identity,
[Comment] nvarchar(max) null,
[ConectionStringDestination] nvarchar(max) not null,
[ConectionStringSource] nvarchar(max) not null,
[DateCompared] datetime2 not null,
[ProjectName] nvarchar(25) not null,
[ProjectOwner] bigint not null,
constraint [PK_ProjectCollection] primary key clustered ([ProjectID]),
constraint [FK_ProjectCollection_ProjectOwner_Test1_ApplicationUserCollection] foreign key ([ProjectOwner]) references [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection] ([UserID])

insert into [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection] ([FirstName], [LastName], [Password])
values (N'user1', N'name1', N'1@34')

insert into [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection] ([FirstName], [LastName], [Password])
values (N'user2', N'name2', N'123@4')

insert into [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection] ([FirstName], [LastName], [Password])
values (N'user3', N'name3', N'56#2')

insert into [Test1].[ApplicationUserCollection] ([FirstName], [LastName], [Password])
values (N'user4', N'name4', N'789@5')

commit transaction;


همانطور که ملاحظه‌ می‌کنید، هنگام کار کردن با یک مدل، نگهداری و توسعه‌ی آن واقعا ساده‌تر است از ایجاد این دستورات T-SQL .

جهت آشنایی با انواع داده‌های مجاز در زبان M می‌توان به مستندات رسمی آن مراجعه نمود:
The "Oslo" Modeling Language Specification

اکنون قصد داریم همانند مثال قسمت قبل، تعدادی رکورد آزمایشی را برای این جدول تعریف کنیم:

ProjectName = "My Project 1",
ConectionStringSource = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=MyDB1;Integrated Security=True;",
ConectionStringDestination = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=MyDB2;Integrated Security=True;",
Comment="Project Comment",
ProjectOwner=ApplicationUserCollection.User1 //direct ref to User1 (FK)
ProjectName = "My Project 2",
ConectionStringSource = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=MyDB1;Integrated Security=True;",
ConectionStringDestination = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=MyDB2;Integrated Security=True;",
Comment="Project Comment",
ProjectOwner=ApplicationUserCollection.User2 //direct ref to User2 (FK)


چون بین ProjectOwner و ApplicationUserCollection رابطه ایجاد کرده‌ایم، هنگام استفاده از آن‌ها، برنامه Intellipad جهت سهولت کار، IntelliSense مربوطه را نیز نمایش خواهد داد :

ادامه دارد ...

پیاده سازی سرویس‌های gRPC در دات نت 7

gRPC Service with .NET 7
In this video we build a gRPC service with 5 methods: Create, Read (single), List (multiple), Update and Delete. We then employ JSON transcoding (a new feature added in .NET 7) to allow our gRPC service to act as a REST based API. This allows web-based endpoints to consume our service, while at the same time continuing to allow native gRPC clients to consume as well.

⏲️ Time Codes ⏲️

- 0:33 - Welcome
- 2:00 - gRPC Overview
- 5:08 - Scaffold the prject
- 9:58 - Test "greeter" service with Postman
- 12:32 - Add package dependencies
- 14:48 - Create the Model
- 16:38 - Create DB Context & migrations
- 22:37 - Define the protobuf file
- 32:39 - Build the first service method
- 40:55 - Test method with postman
- 42:52 - Read method
- 48:42 - List method
- 52:39 - Update method
- 59:14 - Delete method
- 1:03:24 - Add the annotation files
- 1:06:07 - Annotate the first gRPC method
- 1:09:26 - Annotate remaining methods
- 1:12:42 - Test with Postman
- 1:16;00 - Patreon supporter credits 

پیاده سازی سرویس‌های gRPC در دات نت 7
دوره 13 ساعته زبان Rust

Learn Rust Programming - Complete Course 🦀

In this comprehensive Rust course for beginners, you will learn about the core concepts of the language and underlying mechanisms in theory.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
00:00:00 Introduction & Learning Resources
00:06:19 Variables
00:27:07 Numbers & Binary System
01:09:51 Chars, Bools & Unit Types
01:17:55 Statements & Expressions
01:24:50 Functions
01:32:53 Ownership
02:24:06 Borrowing
02:47:45 String vs. &str
03:17:59 Slices
03:31:35 Tuples
03:40:04 Structs
04:02:52 Enums
04:13:46 The "Option" Enum
04:21:32 Flow Control
04:44:43 Pattern Match
05:16:42 Methods & Associated Functions
05:31:50 Generics
06:06:32 Traits
06:47:15 Trait Objects
07:09:51 Associated Types
07:39:31 String
07:59:52 Vectors
08:29:00 HashMaps
08:52:45 Type Coercion
09:04:54 From & Into
09:36:03 panic!
09:44:56 Result
10:28:23 Cargo, Crates & Modules
11:08:28 Debug & Display
11:30:13 Lifetimes
12:14:46 Lifetime Elision
12:38:53 Closures
13:30:08 Iterators 

دوره 13 ساعته زبان Rust
سری آموزش 25 قسمتی Git و GitHub

Git Tutorial - 1 - How to Download and Install Git
Git Tutorial - 2 - Config Our Username and Email
Git Tutorial - 3 - Creating Our First Repository
Git Tutorial - 4 - Commit
Git Tutorial - 5 - Adding Files and the Commit Log
Git Tutorial - 6 - Git Workflow
Git Tutorial - 7 - How to Edit Files
Git Tutorial - 8 - Viewing the Changes That You Made
Git Tutorial - 9 - Comparing the Staging Area with the Repository
Git Tutorial - 10 - How to Delete Files
Git Tutorial - 11 - How to Move and Rename Files
Git Tutorial - 12 - Working with an Actual Website
Git Tutorial - 13 - How to Commit Directly to the Repository
Git Tutorial - 14 - Checkout this video (Git it?)
Git Tutorial - 15 - Unstage Files
Git Tutorial - 16 - Getting Old Versions from the Repository
Git Tutorial - 17 - GitHub
Git Tutorial - 18 - Pushing to a GitHub Repository
Git Tutorial - 19 - gitignore and GitHub Desktop
Git Tutorial - 20 - Committing Changes to GitHub
Git Tutorial - 21 - Branches
Git Tutorial - 22 - GitHub Watch Star and Fork
Git Tutorial - 23 - GitHub Issues and Labels
Git Tutorial - 24 - GitHub Wiki
Git Tutorial - 25 - GitHub Organizations and Teams 

سری آموزش 25 قسمتی Git و GitHub
دوره 3 ساعته NET MAUI.

.NET MAUI Course for Beginners – Create Cross-Platform Apps with C#

Learn how to use .NET MAUI for native cross-platform desktop and mobile development! You will learn the essentials of building mobile applications with .NET MAUI and C# while creating a Contacts app.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (0:03:42) What is .Net Maui - .Net Maui vs Xamarin Forms
⌨️ (0:06:52) Prepare Development Environment _ Create first project
⌨️ (0:12:29) Project Structure
⌨️ (0:20:28) Three elements of stateful .Net Maui
⌨️ (0:23:51) Page, Layout _ View, Namespaces
⌨️ (0:33:02) URL based navigation
⌨️ (0:51:10) Basics of ListView and Data Binding
⌨️ (1:05:58) Events Handling of ListView
⌨️ (1:16:54) Parameters in URL based Navigation _ Static Repository
⌨️ (1:35:35) Stacklayout for Edit Contact page
⌨️ (1:52:47) View Contact Details _ Update Contact
⌨️ (2:06:40) Observable Collection
⌨️ (2:14:58) Field Validation with .Net Maui CommunityToolkit
⌨️ (2:27:08) Reusable Control
⌨️ (2:40:37) Grid Layout and  Use reusable control
⌨️ (2:53:23) ContextActions _ MenuItems in ListView
⌨️ (3:03:44) SearchBar in .NetMaui 

دوره 3 ساعته NET MAUI.
یادگیری NET MAUI. با ساخت یک دفترچه‌ی تماس‌ها

Learn .NET MAUI while Creating a Contacts App in .NET 7 - YouTube

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:54 What is .NET MAUI
00:06:13 Prepare Development Environment & Create first project.
00:11:50 Project Structure of .Net Maui
00:19:49 Three elements of stateful .Net Maui app
00:23:12 Page, Layout & View, Namespaces
00:32:23 URL based navigation - .Net Maui
00:50:31 Basics of ListView and Data Binding in .Net Maui
01:05:19 Events Handling of ListView in .Net Maui
01:16:15 Parameters in URL based Navigation & Static Repository in .Net Maui
01:34:56 Stacklayout for Edit Contact page in  .Net Maui
01:52:08 View Contact Details & Update Contact (.Net Maui)
02:06:01 Observable Collection
02:14:19 Field Validation with .Net Maui CommunityToolkit
02:26:18 Reusable Control in .Net Maui
02:39:42 Grid Layout and  Use reusable control in .Net Maui
02:52:44 ContextActions & MenuItems in ListView for .Net Maui
03:03:05 SearchBar in .NetMaui 

یادگیری NET MAUI. با ساخت یک دفترچه‌ی تماس‌ها
دوره سه ساعته آموزش Blazor

00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:07 Blazor Project Structure
00:12:14 How Blazor Works
00:20:28 What is an Inventory Management System
00:23:47 Introduction to Clean Architecture
00:30:58 Null Reference Type in .NET 6
00:36:44 Write the View Inventories Use Case
00:45:16 Implement the View Inventories Use Case
00:59:27 Create a Plugin with Dependency Injection
01:08:45 Inject the Use Case in Razor Component
01:17:35 Dependency Injection in Blazor
01:28:08 Page Component - Create the Inventory List Page
01:34:34 SPA Components Best Practice
01:38:07 Databinding and EventCallback in Search Inventory Component
01:52:59 Component Parameters in Inventory List Component
02:03:52 Null Checks
02:06:07 Extract the Inventory List Item Component
02:09:45 Add Inventory Use Case
02:12:10 Implement Add Inventory Repository Methods
02:15:34 NavigationManager
02:17:56 EditForm and Data Validation
02:30:09 Edit Inventory Use Case
02:35:12 Implement Edit Inventory Repository methods
02:43:00 Receive Routing Parameters
02:50:09 Implement Edit Inventory Component
03:03:06 Why we are using Async everywhere 

دوره سه ساعته آموزش Blazor
مقدمه‌ای بر NET MAUI.

An Introduction to .NET MAUI For Mobile Development

.NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) is a cross-platform framework for creating native mobile and desktop apps with C# and XAML.
.NET MAUI is open-source and is the evolution of Xamarin.Forms, extended from mobile to desktop scenarios, with UI controls rebuilt from the ground up for performance and extensibility. If you've previously used Xamarin.Forms to build cross-platform user interfaces, you'll notice many similarities with .NET MAUI. However, there are also some differences. Using .NET MAUI, you can create multi-platform apps using a single project, but you can add platform-specific source code and resources if necessary. One of the key aims of .NET MAUI is to enable you to implement as much of your app logic and UI layout as possible in a single code-base.

0:00 - Setup Visual Studio and MAUI Project
00:16:25 - Create MAUI Pages with C#
00:27:42 - Create MAUI Pages with XAML
00:32:28 - Explore MAUI Layouts
00:39:38 - Static Shared Resources
00:44:36 - Platform Specific Values
00:50:11 - Page Navigation  

مقدمه‌ای بر NET MAUI.
آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor

NOTE: This popular course was recently updated with all new videos and content. Check it out!

01 | IntroductionGet an introduction from Bob, as he kicks off the course, sets expectations, and gives you a little guidance for the road ahead.

02 | Setting Up the Development Environment

03 | Basic JavaScript Syntax

04 | Variables

05 | Data Types

06 | Type Coercion and Conversion

07 | Expressions and Operators

08 | Arrays

09 | Function Declaration

10 | Function Expressions

11 | Decision Statements

12 | Iteration Statements

13 | Basics of Scope

14 | Returning Functions from Functions

15 | Object Literals

16 | Module Pattern and Revealing Module Pattern

17 | Closures

18 | this Keyword

19 | Destructuring

20 | String Template Literals

21 | Regular Expressions

22 | Built-In Natives

23 | Constructor Function Calls with the new Keyword

24 | Objects and the Prototype Chain

25 | JavaScript Classes

26 | Arrow Functions

27 | Truthy and Falsy Values

28 | null Type

29 | Date Objects

30 | String Methods

31 | Array Methods

32 | Error Handling with Try Catch

33 | Understanding the Document Object Model

34 | Working with DOM Nodes

35 | Course Conclusion 

آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor