نظرات مطالب
اتصال به LocalDB توسط Rider

در تنظیمات Data Source جهت اتصال به LocalDB در Rider این مراحل باید طی شوند:
- پیش از هر کاری دو دستور زیر را اجرا کنید:
C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe" i

C:\>"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe" s MSSQLLocalDB
LocalDB instance "MSSQLLocalDB" started.
دستور اول وهله‌های نصب شده را نمایش می‌دهد و دستور دوم اولین وهله را آغاز می‌کند.
خود Rider آغازگر این وهله‌ها نخواهد بود. به همین جهت نیاز است دستی آغاز شوند.

- سپس در صفحه تنظیمات Data Source، نوع Driver را بر روی SQL Server (jTds) قرار دهید.
- پایین صفحه، لینک download missing driver files ظاهر می‌شود. بر روی آن کلیک کنید تا به سرعت کار نصب و راه اندازی درایور کم حجم آن انجام شود.
- اکنون می‌توانید در قسمت URL، گزینه‌ی LocalDB و سپس وهله‌ی MSSQLLocalDB را از لیست Instance انتخاب کنید.
- در آخر بر روی دکمه‌ی Test Connection کلیک کنید. اگر درایور را نصب نکرده باشید، این دکمه قابل انتخاب نخواهد بود.
بررسی ضد الگوهای تست نویسی

Software Testing Anti-Pattern List
- Having unit tests without integration tests
- Having integration tests without unit tests
- Having the wrong kind of tests
- Testing the wrong functionality
- Testing internal implementation
- Paying excessive attention to test coverage
- Having flaky or slow tests
- Running tests manually
- Treating test code as a second class citizen
- Not converting production bugs to tests
- Treating TDD as a religion
- Writing tests without reading documentation first
- Giving testing a bad reputation out of ignorance

بررسی ضد الگوهای تست نویسی
نظرات مطالب
C# 8.0 - Async Streams
یک نکته‌ی تکمیلی: محدودیت بافر IAsyncEnumerable
اگر بیش از 8192 رکورد را به صورت IAsyncEnumerable بازگشت دهیم، خطای زیر ظاهر خواهد شد:
‘AsyncEnumerableReader’ reached the configured maximum size of the buffer when enumerating a value of type ‘<type>’. 
This limit is in place to prevent infinite streams of ‘IAsyncEnumerable<>’ from continuing indefinitely. 
If this is not a programming mistake, consider ways to reduce the collection size, or consider manually converting ‘<type>’ into a list rather than increasing the limit.

برای تنظیم یا تغییر آن می‌توان از خاصیت MvcOptions.MaxIAsyncEnumerableBufferLimit در برنامه‌های ASP.NET Core استفاده کرد.
ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
این ده مقاله به شرح زیر می‌باشند:

10) Practical .NET: Powerful JavaScript With Upshot and Knockout
The Microsoft JavaScript Upshot library provides a simplified API for retrieving data from the server and caching it at the client for reuse. Coupled with Knockout, the two JavaScript libraries form the pillars of the Microsoft client-side programming model.

9) On VB: Database Synchronization with the Microsoft Sync Framework
The Microsoft Sync Framework is a highly flexible framework for synchronizing files and data between a client and a master data store. With great flexibility often comes complexity and confusion, however.

8) C# Corner: Performance Tips for Asynchronous Development in C#
Visual Studio Async is a powerful development framework, but it's important to understand how it works to avoid performance hits.

7) 2 Great JavaScript Data-Binding Libraries
JavaScript libraries help you build powerful, data-driven HTML5 apps.

6) On VB: Entity Framework Code-First Migrations
Code First Migrations allow for database changes to be implemented all through code. Through the use of Package Manager Console (PMC), commands can be used to scaffold database changes.

5) C# Corner: The New Read-Only Collections in .NET 4.5
Some practical uses for the long-awaited interfaces, IReadOnlyList and IReadOnlyDictionary, in .NET Framework 4.5.

4) C# Corner: Building a Windows 8 RSS Reader
Eric Vogel walks through a soup-to-nuts demo for building a Metro-style RSS reader.

3) C# Corner: The Build Pattern in .NET
How to separate complex object construction from its representation using the Builder design pattern in C#.

2) Inside Visual Studio 11: A Guided Tour
Visual Studio 2012 (code-named Visual Studio 11 then) is packed with new features to help you be a more efficient, productive developer. Here's your guided tour.

1) HTML5 for ASP.NET Developers
The technologies bundled as HTML5 finally support what developers have been trying to get HTML to do for decades.


ده مقاله برتر Visual Studio Magazine از سری "چگونه" در سال 2012
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript

یک CMS تجاری بزرگ با قابلیت‌های زیر

A modular, service based web application model
Code generator to produce initial services / user interface code for an SQL table
T4 based code generation on server to reference script widgets with intellisense / compile time validation
T4 based code generation to provide compile time type safety and intellisense while calling AJAX services from script side.
An attribute based form definition system (prepare UI in server side with a simple C# class)
Automatic seamless data-binding through form definitions (form <-> entity <-> service).
Caching Helpers (Local / Distributed)
Automatic cache validation
Configuration System (storage medium independent. store settings in database, file, whatever...)
Simple Logging
Reporting (reports just provide data, has no dependency on rendering, similar to MVC)
Script bundling, minification (making use of Node / UglifyJS / CleanCSS) and content versioning (no more F5 / clear browser cache)
Micro ORM (also Dapper is integrated)
Customizable handlers for REST like services that work by reusing information in entity classes and do automatic validation.
Attribute based navigation menu
UI Localization (store localized texts in json files, embedded resource, database, in memory class, anywhere)
Data Localization (using an extension table mechanism helps to localize even data entered by users, like lookup tables)
Script widget system (inspired by jQueryUI but more suitable for C# code)
Client side and server side validation (based on jQuery validate plugin, but abstracts dependency)
Audit logging (where CDC is not available)
System for data based integration tests
Dynamic scripts
Script side templates 
یک Business Apps ساخته شده با Asp.net Core Mvc و , TypeScript
تنظیمات اولیه VS 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.30110.0
=Visual Studio 2013

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.23107.0
=Visual Studio 2015

تنظیمات اولیه VS 2015