شروع به کار با IdentityServer 6

Creating an IdentityServer 6 Solution

00:00 Self-Signed Certificate
04:40 Docker Compose
07:30 PostgreSQL Database
09:40 IdentityServer
1:15:30 API
1:40:15 Console Application
1:50:35 Web Application
2:07:10 Single-Page Application 

شروع به کار با IdentityServer 6
معماری تمیز در asp.net core

ASP.NET Core provides better support for clean, testable, maintainable architectures than any of its predecessors. Learn the underlying principles that apply to project/solution organization, how best to arrange your projects to support clean code, and how to refactor existing solutions toward this architecture. Examples will use ASP.NET Core but the principles covered apply to all languages and platforms.  

معماری تمیز در asp.net core
FastEndpoints؛ جایگزینی دیگر برای Minimal APIs در دات نت 6

FastEndpoints offers a more elegant solution than the Minimal APIs and MVC Controllers with the goal of increasing developer productivity. Performance is on par with the Minimal APIs and is faster; uses less memory; and outperforms a MVC Controller by about 34k requests per second on a Ryzen 3700X desktop. 

FastEndpoints؛ جایگزینی دیگر برای Minimal APIs در دات نت 6
10 نکته و ترفند ویژوال استودیو که احتمالاً نمی دانید

In this video, I show ten extremely useful Visual Studio features: - Enhanced Clipboard - Run To Cursor Debugging - Tracking Active Solution Explorer Item - Fast File Navigation - Tabs - Previewing and Pinning - Code Cleanup Configuration - Vertical Selection - Better Git Pull - Improved Performance On Load - Special Pasting 

10 نکته و ترفند ویژوال استودیو که احتمالاً نمی دانید
در یک code review باید به چه مواردی دقت داشت؟
  • Functional Defects
  • Problems with the logic
  • Missing Validation (e.g., edge cases)
  • Usage of API
  • Design Patterns
  • Architectural Issues
  • Testability
  • Readability
  • Security
  • Naming conventions
  • Team Coding Style
  • Documentation
  • Use of best practices
  • Language-specific issues
  • Use of deprecated methods
  • Performance (e.g., complexity of the solution)
  • Alternative solutions… 
در یک code review باید به چه مواردی دقت داشت؟
انتشار ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3.2

ReSharper 2018.3.2 bug-fix update fixes:

- Many issues in C#, VB.NET, and TypeScript Code Analysis.
- More than a dozen issues related to parameter name hints.
- Missing “Find Code Dependent on Module” item in a context menu for a project node in the Solution Explorer tab.
- Several issues in Unit Testing.
- Some issues related to auto-detect naming style.

انتشار ReSharper Ultimate 2018.3.2
پیاده سازی Row Level Security در EF6

In this article we are going to implement row level security, its solution makes our application refactoring based and this feature let us manage our project easily.

and this way will reduce your business code and if you use DDD can significantly reduce codes in services. 

پیاده سازی Row Level Security در EF6
پیاده سازی In Memory OLTP در SQL Server

How do you go about transferring a disk-based workload to the respective memory-optimized design? How do you process memory-optimized tables? How important for performance are natively-compiled Stored Procedures? Artemakis Artemiou comes up with a step-by-step guide to implementing an in-memory OLTP solution .  

پیاده سازی In Memory OLTP در SQL Server
ثبت نام در Modern Workplace
Learn what makes for a highly productive work environment from the Founder and Principal Researcher of Programmable Habitats, Jennifer Magnolfi Astill. And hear from David Fullerton, an expert on setting up highly successful remote work programs and the author of “Seven Great Reasons to Encourage Working Remotely.” Tune in to help you determine the best mobile work environment solution for your company. 
ثبت نام در Modern Workplace