وضعیت کتابخانه‌های مهم JavaScript در 2015

Here’s what r/javascript had to say:

  • React.js with Flux (a view-only library and an eventing module)
  • Ember.js (a full MVC framework)
  • Knockout.js (view-only library)
  • Backbone.js (full MVC framework)
  • Meteor (full isomorphic framework)
  • Mithril (full MVC framework)
  • Ember (full MVC framework)
  • ‘No framework; just lots of libraries’
  • Vue.js (view-only library)
  • Breeze.js (model-only library)
  • Ractive (view-only library) 
وضعیت کتابخانه‌های مهم JavaScript در 2015
CSS Nesting چیست؟

In September 2019, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) introduced a new CSS nesting feature that simplifies the way we apply styles to our web pages. In this blog post, we will explore this new feature and how it can enhance the Vanilla CSS experience. 

CSS Nesting چیست؟
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MIX09 | Web Design and Development Conference

ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015
JavaScript is an important technology for development on many different platforms, including web, mobile app, and server programming. In Visual Studio 2013 we already support IntelliSense, Go to Definition, colorization, and formatting of JavaScript source, along with several other features. We’ve carried these forward into Visual Studio 2015 and we’ve improved the experience for JavaScript developers by focusing on three key areas:
  1. Improving the development experience when using popular JavaScript libraries
  2. Adding support for new JavaScript ECMAScript 2015 (also known as ES2015 and formerly ES6) language and web browser APIs
  3. Increasing your productivity in complex JavaScript code bases
ارتقاء JavaScript Editor در Visual Studio 2015