کتاب PHP Succinctly

Known for its straightforward simplicity, PHP is an open source, general-purpose scripting language oriented for web development. In PHP Succinctly, author José Roberto Olivas Mendoza guides newcomers through PHP’s basics, which includes deployment, programming themes such as variables, decision making, arrays, functions, and databases, and the creation of a functional webpage that will connect to a database. By the end, you’ll be ready to join the vast community of PHP users around the world.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to PHP
  2. Deploying PHP
  3. PHP Basics
  4. Functions and File Inclusion
  5. Files and Databases
  6. A Contact List Website
  7. General Summary
  8. General Conclusions 
کتاب PHP Succinctly
کتابخانه nucleus
Nucleus is a web-based interactive development environment (IDE) that is currently under development. It will include native language support for fusion files such as .fjs, .fhtml, and .fcss along with fusion transcompiling. It will also offer a jTypes plugin that adds support for .jt and .fjt files, and built-in jTypes precompiling from .jt or .fjt to .js files.  Demo
کتابخانه nucleus
آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor

NOTE: This popular course was recently updated with all new videos and content. Check it out!

01 | IntroductionGet an introduction from Bob, as he kicks off the course, sets expectations, and gives you a little guidance for the road ahead.

02 | Setting Up the Development Environment

03 | Basic JavaScript Syntax

04 | Variables

05 | Data Types

06 | Type Coercion and Conversion

07 | Expressions and Operators

08 | Arrays

09 | Function Declaration

10 | Function Expressions

11 | Decision Statements

12 | Iteration Statements

13 | Basics of Scope

14 | Returning Functions from Functions

15 | Object Literals

16 | Module Pattern and Revealing Module Pattern

17 | Closures

18 | this Keyword

19 | Destructuring

20 | String Template Literals

21 | Regular Expressions

22 | Built-In Natives

23 | Constructor Function Calls with the new Keyword

24 | Objects and the Prototype Chain

25 | JavaScript Classes

26 | Arrow Functions

27 | Truthy and Falsy Values

28 | null Type

29 | Date Objects

30 | String Methods

31 | Array Methods

32 | Error Handling with Try Catch

33 | Understanding the Document Object Model

34 | Working with DOM Nodes

35 | Course Conclusion 

آموزش JavaScript توسط Bob Tabor