ابزاری سورس باز جهت رندر Html به PDF

wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage are open source (LGPLv3) command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the Qt WebKit rendering engine. These run entirely "headless" and do not require a display or display service. 

ابزاری سورس باز جهت رندر Html به PDF
روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
  • Use BindAttribute on the action method 
  • Use [Editable] or [BindNever] on the model 
  • Use two different models 
  • Use a base class 
  • Use ModelMetadataTypeAttribute 
  • Explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> 

This was a very quick run down of some of the options available to you to prevent mass assignment. Which approach you take is up to you, though I would definitely suggest using one of the latter 2-model approaches. There are other options too, such as doing explicit binding via TryUpdateModelAsync<> but the options I've shown represent some of the most common approaches. Whatever you do, don't just blindly bind your view models if you have properties that should not be edited by a user, or you could be in for a nasty surprise.

And whatever you do, don't bind directly to your EntityFramework models. Pretty please. 

روش‌های مقابله با مشکل امنیتی Mass Assignment در ASP.NET Core
کدنویسی تمیز با JavaScript

You might not sign up for all of them (particularly those around classes and inheritance), but these ‘Uncle Bob’-inspired tips might help you think more about how you name things and structure your code. 

کدنویسی تمیز با JavaScript
کتابخانه jquery-rsSlideIt

Performs a smooth 2D/3D transition from one HTML element A to another element B.  2D Demo  3D Demo

  • Runs a single transition or a sequence of transitions;
  • Transition effect is automatically computed between two slides;
  • Fallbacks to browsers that do not support 3D transformations and CSS3 animations;
  • Highly customizable:
    • Any markup you want. Only restriction is sliders to be contained in a parent blocked element;
    • Strong event driven support;
    • Single transition or a sequence of transitions (movie mode);
    • Transition duration, easing function animation and zoom vertexes;
    • Optional user zoomming and panning between each transition.
  • Responsive design, suitable for any window sizes;
  • Optionally loads images asynchronously to save page load times, when slides are images.
کتابخانه jquery-rsSlideIt
نظرات مطالب
نحوه تهیه گزارش در SSRS و انتشار آن روی وب سرور
ممنون از اموزش شما .
مراحل گفته شده را اجرا کردم . زمانی که پروژه را deploy می‌کنم خطای زیر را می‌دهد
could not connect to the report server .verify that the target server url is valid and that you have the correct permissions to connect to the report server 
آزمون اطلاعات عمومی JavaScript

JS Is Weird
JavaScript is a great programming language, but thanks to the fact that its initial release was built in only ten days back in 1995, coupled with the fact that JS is backward-compatible, it's also a bit weird. It doesn't always behave the way you might think. In this quiz, you'll be shown 25 quirky expressions and will have to guess the output. Even if you're a JS developer, most of this syntax is probably, and hopefully, not something you use in your daily life. 

آزمون اطلاعات عمومی JavaScript
تفاوت مجوز LGPL با GPL در چیست؟

A component licensed under LGPL can be used by closed source, proprietary software, both internally used and distributed, for free, with no effects on the software using the component. LGPL is not “contagious” in the same way as GPL, so it only affects the component under LGPL. As long as you’re only using official distributions of the component, it is free to use and free to redistribute. The only requirement is that you include a notice in your “about” page or similar that the component is used. 

تفاوت مجوز LGPL با GPL در چیست؟
روش های مقایسه اشیاء با null




Is Null
if(variable is null) return true;

  • 🙂 This syntax supports static analysis such that later code will know whether variable is null or not.
  • 🙁 Doesn’t produce a warning even when comparing against a non-nullable value type making the code to check pointless.
  • 😐 Requires C# 7.0 because it leverages type pattern matching.
Is Not Null
if(variable is { }) return false

  • 🙂 This syntax supports static analysis such that later code will know whether variable is null or not.
  • 😐 Requires C# 8.0 since this is the method for checking for not null using property pattern matching.
Is Not Null
if(variable is object) return false

  • 🙂 Triggers a warning when comparing a non-nullable value type which could never be null
  • 🙂 This syntax works with C# 8.0’s static analysis so later code will know that variable has been checked for null.
  • Checks if the value not null by testing whether it is of type object.  (Relies on the fact that null values are not of type object.)
Is Null
if(variable == null) return true

  • 🙂 The only way to check for null prior to C# 7.0.
  • 🙁 However, because the equality operator can be overridden, this has the (remote) possibility of failing or introducing a performance issue.
Is Not Null
if(variable != null) return false

  • 🙂 The only way to check for not null prior to C# 7.0.
  • 😐 Since the not-equal operator can be overridden, this has the (remote) possibility of failing or introducing a performance issue. 
روش های مقایسه اشیاء با null
بهینه سازی عملکرد دانت پیچیده نیست

In this post, we introduced the idea that not all performance optimisations need to be complex to implement. In this example, we optimised the ToUrl method of the NEST library by conditionally avoiding executing code we know would cause allocations.  

بهینه سازی عملکرد دانت پیچیده نیست