انتشار ویژوال استدیو ۲۰۲۲ نگارش 17.5

For .NET and cloud developers, we’ve focused on improving the inner-loop dev experience. New .http/.rest files make it easier to test and iterate on your APIs directly in Visual Studio, while improved Dev Tunnels help streamline the configuration and management of your webhooks. We’ve also made it easier than ever to deploy your ASP.NET apps to containers.

Game developers can now view properties from base classes modified in an Unreal Blueprint asset without leaving the IDE. Visual Studio has improved the cross-platform development experience with a new remote file explorer, Linux Console output to the Integrated Terminal window, dev container improvements, and more.

Beyond individuals, Visual Studio also has new features to better support dev teams at scale, with exportable configuration files and a persistent update toggle helping ensure everyone on your team is working from the latest version of the tool.

This blog covers several of the top new features in Visual Studio 17.5—to see some in action, watch the Visual Studio 17.5 release video. As always lot of these features come straight from your feedback and suggestions. Your feedback is critical to help us make Visual Studio the best tool it can be! 

انتشار ویژوال استدیو ۲۰۲۲ نگارش 17.5
نتایج نظرسنجی بازار کار توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2021 توسط CodinGame

.NET Core placed high in a web-dominated ranking of development frameworks published by CodinGame, which provides a tech hiring platform.
Frameworks: React is 2021’s most sought-after framework
Node.js, React and .NETCore are currently the most popular frameworks amongst developers.
React is the most sought-after framework: 59% of tech recruiters are on the lookout for developers who know React. 

نتایج نظرسنجی بازار کار توسعه دهنده‌ها در سال 2021 توسط CodinGame
7.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد

These are the customer-reported issues addressed in 15.9.7:

Security Advisory Notices

7.Visual Studio 2017 15.9 منتشر شد
تولید تگ های SEO در ASP.NET Core با کتابخانه SeoTags

SeoTags Create all SEO tags you need such as meta, link, twitter card (twitter:), open graph (og:), and JSON-LD schema (structred data). 

Sample output: 

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<meta property="og:description" content="Create all SEO tags you need such as meta, link, twitter card (twitter:), open graph (og:), and ..." />
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تولید تگ های SEO در ASP.NET Core با کتابخانه SeoTags