معرفی NET Community Toolkit.

CommunityToolkit/dotnet: .NET Community Toolkit is a collection of helpers and APIs that work for all .NET developers and are agnostic of any specific UI platform. The toolkit is part of the .NET Foundation. 

معرفی NET Community Toolkit.
10 ویژگی عالی از Visual Studio Code
Enter Visual Studio Code – a free, lean, cross-platform version of your beloved Visual Studio. With a lightweight installation, you can enjoy most full-featured benefits of Visual Studio on a Windows, Mac or Linux machine. This article highlights 10 of the compelling features of VS Code, which aims to be your one-stop rich code editor across any developer platform.
10 ویژگی عالی از Visual Studio Code
کتابخانه NetTopologySuite

A .NET GIS solution that is fast and reliable for the .NET platform.
NetTopologySuite is a direct-port of all the functionalities offered by JTS Topology Suite: NTS expose JTS in a '.NET way', as example using Properties, Indexers etc...

کتابخانه NetTopologySuite
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1

GitHub Issues

The GitHub Issues integration allows you to search and reference your issues from the commit message box in VS, in response to this suggestion ticket. You can reference an issue or a pull request by typing # or clicking on the # button in the lower right side of the commit message text box. If you weren't already authenticated to access related issues, you will now be prompted to sign in to take advantage of this feature.

Line Unstaging

To continue improving our line-staging (aka interactive staging) feature, we've added unstage. You can now use the tool tip option to unstage changes, line by line, as requested here Unstage individual lines and hunks in a file - 4 votes


We continue to build native support for Arm64 on Windows 11 for the most popular developer scenarios. We now support the .NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) workload on Arm64 Visual Studio.


  • Available as a preview feature, you can now view Unreal Engine logs without leaving VS. To see the logs from the Unreal Engine Editor, click View > Other Windows > UE Log. To filter your logs, click on the "Categories" or "Verbosity" dropdowns. Since this is an experimental feature, feedback is greatly appreciated.
  • You can now import STM32CubeIDE projects for embedded development within Visual Studio with File > Open > Import STM32CubeIDE project. This generates a CMake project with device flashing and debugging settings for STLink. You must have the STM32CubeIDE installed with the board support package for your device. More details available here.
  • You can use the new CMake Debugger to debug your CMake scripts at build time. You can set breakpoints based on filenames, line numbers, and when CMake errors are triggered. Additionally, you can view call stacks of filenames and watch defined variables. Currently, this only works with bundled CMake, and projects targeting WSL or remote machines are not supported yet. We are actively working to add more support to the CMake debugger, and feedback is greatly appreciated. 
انتشار Visual Studio 2022 version 17.6 Preview 1
مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular

A comparison of Blazor and Angular when it comes to modern web development—a review of the pros and cons. Does Blazor stack up? 

مقایسه‌ی Blazor و Angular
دوران رنسانس NET.

First, the decoupling of .NET from Windows
Second, the newfound focus on CLR performance
Third, moving .NET’s tooling to a cross-platform model
Fourth, the .NET user base is embracing the OSS ecosystem as a whole
Fifth, in general the direction on .NET development is pushing users further down into the details of the stack
Sixth, Microsoft’s platform work being done out in the open

دوران رنسانس NET.
Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.6 منتشر شد

Security Advisory Notices

CVE-2019-1077 Visual Studio Extension Auto Update Vulnerability

An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Visual Studio Extension auto-update process improperly performs certain file operations. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could delete files in arbitrary locations. To exploit this vulnerability, an attacker would require unprivileged access to a vulnerable system. The security update addresses the vulnerability by securing locations the Visual Studio Extension auto-update performs file operations in.

CVE-2019-1075 ASP.NET Core Spoofing Vulnerability

A spoofing vulnerability exists in ASP.NET Core that could lead to an open redirect. An attacker who successfully exploited the vulnerability could redirect a targeted user to a malicious website. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker could send a link that has a specially crafted URL and convince the user to click the link.

The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how ASP.NET Core parses URLs. Details can be found in the .NET Core release notes.

CVE-2019-1113 WorkflowDesigner XOML deserialization allows code execution

A XOML file referencing certain types could cause random code to be executed when the XOML file is opened in Visual Studio. There is now a restriction on what types are allowed to be used in XOML files. If a XOML file containing one of the newly unauthorized types is opened, a message is displayed explaining that the type is unauthorized.

For further information, please refer to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4512190/remote-code-execution-vulnerability-if-types-are-specified-in-xoml.

Visual Studio 2019 version 16.1.6 منتشر شد
انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.

We just released a GA version of .NET Core 3.0 that includes support for Windows Forms and WPF. And along with that release we’re happy to announce the first preview version of the Windows Forms Designer for .NET Core projects! 

انتشار Windows Forms Designer مخصوص NET Core.
سخت افزارهای قدیمی و ویندوز 7

یک مودم d-link قدیمی external دارم (DFM-560E) که آخرین درایور آن مربوط به ویندوز XP، آن هم 32 بیتی است.
با نصب ویندوز 7 64 بیتی این مودم به صورت یک analog modem غیرقابل استفاده در device manager شناسایی شد. هر چند ویندوز 7 توانایی یافتن آخرین درایورهای مرتبط را از اینترنت و سایت مایکروسافت دارد اما چون مطابق جستجویی که انجام دادم این نوع مودم d-link صرفا برای خارج از آمریکا تهیه و تولید شده، دیگر درایوری برای آن تهیه نخواهد شد. خوب، خدا را شکر!
این مودم، مستعمل ماند تا اینکه در یکی از سایت‌ها، مقاله‌ی زیر را دیدم:

این مقاله در مورد همان گزینه‌ی add new hardware ویندوزهای قبلی که در اینجا به نام add legacy hardware تغییر نام یافته، صحبت می‌کند.
در device manager ویندوز 7 از منوی Actions گزینه‌ی add legacy hardware را انتخاب کنید تا همان ویزاد آشنای add new hardware ویندوز XP ظاهر شود. تمام مراحل آن هم مانند قبل است.
در مرحله‌ی have disk مربوط به مودم، فایل زیر را که مربوط به معرفی درایور مودم ویندوز 64 بیتی است به آن معرفی کردم و مشکل حل شد (احتمالا با تمام مودم‌هایی با chipset از نوع Conexant باید کار کند).
دریافت فایل

الان هنوز همان analog modem شناسایی نشده باقی است اما مودم فوق نیز شناسایی شد و بدون مشکل کار می‌کند.

هنگام ساخت کانکشن دایال آپ هم این مودم جدید شناسایی شده و قابل استفاده است.